SIX YEARS. And a decade since we started dating!
As I write this, I have a baby on my lap, and Mitch is to my left, painting princesses with our toddler. I’m so happy. While searching for wedding photos on my blog a few minutes ago–because I can’t find the hard drive that I keep them on; must still be in a box somewhere 🙈–I came across this post. And since I’m currently one-handed, I’m just going to leave this here right now, for Mitch to read whenever he stumbles across it tomorrow. Or perhaps he won’t see because we’ll be too busy or exhausted or we lost the charger to the laptop again. ;) But can we all just reflect on the fact that I wrote this whole paragraph with like only THREE fingers?! I know. I’m pretty awesome. It took eight minutes.
Okay, but really: just like I said back in 2016 when I originally wrote this, it’s up in the air whether we’ll actually celebrate tonight. (Pinkeye for the third year in a row?! We’ll SEE!) But I love you so much, Mitch. Whether we’re dancing to a different wedding song 😉, curled up in bed because we look like monsters with red eyes, about to have a baby and binge-watching “Stranger Things,” or actually going out to celebrate… July 20th will always be a reminder of just how lucky I am to be your wife!
~ Originally published on July 20th, 2016 ~
Dear Mitch,
July 20th will always be the happiest day of the year for me because it’s the day I married you. Today, I want you to know that I’m still just as crazy in love with you as I was when we were first pronounced husband and wife, and that I truly love you more and more with each passing day. You’re my best friend, my “trenches” partner, and my whole world. And I’m so incredibly grateful for you.
To me, you are perfect. (And let’s just go ahead and forget that I stole that line from a movie.) You have the biggest heart in the world. You care more about family than anything. You’re unbelievably selfless. You’re adventurous. You’re adorable and handsome and charming–and don’t know it. You’re sweet. You’re thoughtful. You’re absolutely hilarious. You’re generous. You’re humble. You’re determined. You’re so smart, and continue to impress me with your interests and ideas and inventions. You’re always looking to better yourself. You’re optimistic. You’re hardworking and driven. You’re appreciative. You’re supportive. You’re honest. You’re creative. You’re SO much fun. You’re willing and open. You’re understanding. You’re loving. You’re passionate and compassionate.
And you’re mine. How did I get to be so lucky?
Mitch, thank you for giving me a life I never even dreamed of having. For filling every day with laughter and joy, and for being my rock. As hokey as this sounds, it’s such an honor to be your wife. Never in a million years did I think I’d end up with such a good man. I’m so proud of you, of the life we’ve built together, and of our hopes and dreams. (How wonderful is it that so many of those hopes and dreams are becoming realities?!) I also can’t wait to start the next chapter with you.
Of course, I’m sure we won’t be able to celebrate tonight. Per usual, I’ll come down with some ailment, which will undoubtedly prevent us from making our dinner reservation. Or maybe this year I’ll make things extra exciting and just go into labor! ;)
But anniversaries aren’t about dinners, flowers and gifts. They’re about us, and reflection and appreciation and love.
To the amazing years we’ve had, and to those to come.
I love and adore you, Mitch.

Photos by Hello Gorgeous Photography