My brother, Danny, reading to Emma.
I was going to skip the whole blogging thing this weekend since my family’s in town, but oy: the downpour hasn’t let up, and it looks like it’s not going to anytime soon, so… here I am, haha. While we braved the weather this afternoon for as long as we could, we’ve made an executive decision to watch a movie and then order deep dish and stay in for the rest of the night. You should see Dad’s shoes from the rain. Pretty sure we’re going to have to buy him a new pair tomorrow. Oh, April.
Here are this week’s updates:
I’m 100-percent recovered! It feels so good to be back. I’m crazy behind on work on account of being sick (and the California trip), but I’m trying really hard to just take things day by day so I don’t get too overwhelmed. Wednesday was a low point for me; I actually cried because I felt like I was just barely keeping my head above water. Mitch has been SO helpful, though, and he’s taken on a lot of my work. (He’s the best.)
Emma had a tough week. She’s always been a champion sleeper, but I think we’re in “Sleep Regression” mode. While it’s a little tough on us–I’m currently on day three of four hours of sleep–it’s just so heartbreaking to see. She wakes up, seemingly stuck on her side, half asleep and hysterically crying. We rock her back to sleep and sometimes end up giving her a bottle when it’s clear that she’s very hungry. We’re working on transitioning her to eating more solid foods, which we think will help get her through the night. Other than that, though, we’re not sure what else to do besides hug and soothe her! Poor little girl!
We just found out that Chicago Public Schools will, in fact, stay open until the the end of the year. I’ll admit that I’d been fantasizing about having Mitch at home earlier than expected, I’m so happy for the students, their families, and the teachers. This is for the best.
My parents and my brother, Danny, are here for a long weekend! I love having them here, but I feel SO badly about the weather, haha. It’s monsooning here, guys. I can’t even tell you how drenched we got today. Poor Dad. Again, those shoes!
How cute is Jess in her yellow sundress?! I (very obviously) wear blue almost exclusively, but Jess does color SO well, and she inspires me to get a little more creative with my looks. Definitely my favorite blogged outfit of hers! (Heart you, Jessica.)
In other news, I need to find a dress for her wedding! We’re wearing long white dresses and I’m so excited. Any suggestions?!
Our garden is done! It’s nothing crazy, but we love it. Last year, we completely neglected it on account of the renovations that we were undergoing. We love the little facelift we gave to the front of the house, though, and we’re so excited about replacing our front doors, painting the trim and perhaps replacing the front stoop.
We are LOVING how all the open houses as of late. Of course, we’re not in the market. (I fully intend on living in our little house forever.) But we have a lot of friends who are in the market, and it’s been so fun to wander into houses that we pass on a daily basis, and see what’s actually inside ’em!
Life in iPhone Photos…

Lobster Sweater (SO similar here and here!) / Gingham Shirt / Navy Quilted Bag / Emma’s Rain Coat
Ducked out of the rain for lunch at Derby in Lincoln Park today.

Look at those teeth!

Mom, Dad and Emma at Summer House yesterday.

Mitchell from “Modern Family.” He laughed pretty hard when we failed to take a photo inconspicuously.

Nearly Identical Sweater / Jeans / Quilted Barbour back in stock!!
So happy to have Danny here!

Emma’s favorite: the dinosaur at Oz Park, right before the rain started.

We walked Burling and Howe on Friday. This house is relatively modest in comparison to the others. (Insert crying/laughing emoji.)

Wallpaper in the bathroom of Jeni’s/Foxtrot on Armitage. SO CUTE, right?!

Kira and Emma at Foxtrot. Love their coordinating outfits. ;)

Flashback to last week, when it was sunny and 75 degrees in Chicago! Mitch, Emma, Noodle and I spent the day in the park. Emma’s new thing is holding onto Noodle’s leash. Best friends forev…
Same day. Noodle is such the cuddler.

Springtime snowstorm!

The hydrangea are coming out! Mitch and I planted a bunch last weekend. So excited. Cross your fingers that they survive!

Love row houses so much.
Oh, look. An open house. ;)


This photo. Too sweet. Love that they’re such great friends.

Here’s the garden!

Finally finished “Big Little Lies.” BAH! So good. If you haven’t watched it yet, get on it. So addicting.

Emma. Hahaha. Loves J.J. so much. Verdict’s still out on how J.J. feels about Emma, though.

Mornings with Daddy.

Emma, I wonder whether you’ll be as terrifying as I am behind the wheel…

Definitely the best day of spring so far.

This thing is AWESOME, guys. Our house always smells like flowers now!

Practicing her princess wave. There’s the dinosaur again. We visit him a lot.

Lost my sunglasses a few weeks ago but FOUND THEM. Look how close these guys are. FINALLY! A replacement!

We love Oz Park!

I ended up sleeping on the floor next to Emma’s crib this past week. Pray for us, guys. I need more than four hours tonight!

Emma’s been having so much fun in the sandbox in a nearby park lately. She’s made a ton of friends, and hasn’t eaten too much sand. Miracle!

Brunch with Mitch and Emma during that 75-degree day. I love my little fam.