Mitch’s Vineyard Vines x Shark Week T-Shirt and Shep Shirt (And Shorts!) / My T-Shirt and Shep Shirt / My AG Jeans (Also love this similar pair.) / Emma’s T-Shirt and Shep Shirt / Tote / Gingham Hat (Mine’s in navy but I love the black, too.) c/o
*Today’s question of the day is at the bottom of this post! Answer it to be entered to win $50 to shop the Nordstrom Anniversary Sale. Nordstrom also carries Vineyard Vines, btw!*
Today, we’re headed off to Martha’s Vineyard to celebrate Vineyard Vines’ 20th anniversary! We’re actually going a day early because it takes a while to get there from Chicago, and let’s be serious: our family is cursed when it comes to flying. 😂 Better safe than miss everything, right?!
But let’s talk about these photos for a moment. Shark Week just started, and Discovery paired up with Vineyard Vines to create an amazing line of Shark Week-inspired clothing and accessories. Fun fact: While Vineyard Vines is celebrating its 20th anniversary, Discovery is celebrating its 30th!
When the team reached out about sending the Larkins some stuff, I was so excited. My brothers are big surfers, and have forever been obsessed with and terrified of sharks at the same time. I can’t even tell you what a big deal Shark Week is for my family, hahaha. Everyone seriously sits on the couch at my parents’ place on the Jersey Shore and watches the shows for hours on end. It’s hysterical, but it’s also such a bonding experience. ;) Lots of screaming and lots of fun. (And lots of learning!)
Anyway, one of our absolute favorite summer activities is taking Emma to the beach at night here in Chicago. We don’t have to worry about sunburns, and it’s so fun just running around and falling in the sand. It tires Emma out before bedtime, too. 😉 We took her last week, and I snapped a few–okay, a ton–of photos because it was such a blast. (I’ll admit that I use this blog as a way to share pics with our families, which are spread out around the country!)
No, there aren’t any sharks in Lake Michigan. (Though they have been spotted traveling up the Mississippi River.) But the Vineyard Vines’ Shark Week gear is such a fun way to “get in the spirit.” Emma’s obviously been sleeping with the stuffed shark, and Noodle’s equally interested in snuggling with him. ;)
You can expect a lot of Martha’s Vineyard blog posts in a couple of weeks, but in the meantime, following along with us on Instagram and Facebook. :)
And catch the Shark Week schedule here!

^ My little helper
Shop the post:
Mitch’s Vineyard Vines x Shark Week T-Shirt and Shep Shirt (And Shorts!) / My T-Shirt and Shep Shirt / My AG Jeans (Also love this similar pair.) / Emma’s T-Shirt and Shep Shirt / Tote / Gingham Hat (Mine’s in navy but I love the black, too.) c/o
*Answer the question of the day to be entered to win today’s $50 giveaway to shop the Nordstrom Anniversary Sale: In terms of animals, what scares you–or fascinates you–the most?! (In case you’re wondering, it’s spiders for me. I know: I’m so much bigger than they are, and they kill other pests. But they’re TERRIFYING.)
Congrats to the winners thus far:
Lauren V.
Maggie P.
Kaitlin M.
Grace M.
Jeanne C.
Cindy G.