Hill House Lesli Nap Dress / Hill House Ellie Nap Dress
I’m very much late to the party, but I bought my first Hill House nap dress! Friends have been raving about them for a while, and with spring just around the corner for Chicago (ha), I figured that it was time. :) The nap dresses can be worn from day to night (and some of them actually work as nightgowns, too). I’m pumped!
I went with the Lesli because I’m partial to sleeves, and if I like it, I may grab an Ellie dress when they’re restocked on April 14th. (Btw: Hill House apparently runs large! Carly—who is definitely a Hill House expert—advised to definitely size down. Hope that’s helpful!)
Other finds this week include:
Well, here’s the Ellie, just so you can see it, haha. This is the more popular style!
GUYS. These are the best headbands in the history of the world. I’ve always loved the look of headbands, but unfortunately they always seem to give me a headache in the first hour. (Must have a huge head of something; I don’t know!) But these are INCREDIBLE. Zero discomfort from morning til night. I feel so stylish in them! Oh, and they’re on sale!
Striped version.
Not sure whether these are as comfy but my hopes are high.
The linen pocket tee is back! Most flattering t-shirt I own.
And here’s the “essential” version. It’s quite the steal right now. Size up as it’s fitted.
I LOVE this Tiny Tassel bracelet.
I also love these ducks, hahaha. They’ve been on my wishlist for a while but I own too many ducks. Said no one ever.
This here is my favorite duck. A reader sent him to me. I’ll show myself out.
Our boxwood wreath! Great to leave up year-round. I just switch out the bows!
The famous anchor sweater is back in stock.
A friend recently purchased the famous $88 Anthro bag and she confirmed that it’s fabulous and super soft!
Isn’t this beautiful?
Love this watermelon shirt.
And how about this gingham suit?!
Such a gorgeous blouse, perfect for spring.
HOLY BUNNIES. This is a must. (And, in my opinion, can be worn year-round!)
Nightgown for little girls.
Wow, Roller Rabbit. I love!
Okay, so my sister-in-law told me about the Amazon Essentials sandals and how great they were and WHOA. They check out! Tried them on while visiting her in New Orleans, and they were without a doubt the comfiest sandals I’ve ever worn. Zero break-in time, and they come in a bunch of different styles. Great find, Kim!
This style might be my fave. Like walking on clouds.
But then again…
This is the couch that I have in my office! I think the company took new product photos, and I’m in love all over again, haha. SO comfy and what a deal on a custom piece. I have it in “Cruise Adrift,” which is pictured here.
The full sofa version.
Chair version.
WOW! These look just like our spool chairs that we have in our living room but they’re half the price.
Got this stool for the desk in the kitchen!
Have been eyeing this lantern for our front stoop for a while. :)
These are the laundry baskets I use to keep myself organized. They’re awesome. When they’re full of clean clothing, I deliver their contents to the appropriate rooms. It’s a good system, haha.
This is a little mid-century but I love it.
Caitlin Wilson has some AMAZING oil painting reproductions, and they’re priced very reasonably.
Cutest PJs ever.
This eyelet top! It’s tiered so it’s wonderfully flattering.
Wore this striped top down in Mississippi and couldn’t get over how much I loved it. I would recommend buying your usual size if you like things loose, and size down if you prefer a more fitted look.
GREAT jeans. Wore them with the striped top. You can see ’em here! TTS.
Also adore these. The pics make them look a little crazy, but in real life they’re adorable. I plan on wearing with a white sweatshirt or white tee.
Lobster hat!