One / Two / Three / Four / Five / Six / Seven / Eight / Nine / Ten / Eleven / Twelve / Thirteen / Fourteen / Fifteen
Happy Valentine’s Day, Friends! It’s time to “Treat Yo Self.” (I had to, haha.) No matter how you’re celebrating today, remember to give yourself a little love, too–whether it’s by taking a walk, relaxing with a glass of wine (#doitforkelly), finally starting that book you’ve been wanting to read forever, taking a long bath, or doing a little shopping. ;)
Mitch and I have a crazy day today! We’re having a Valentine’s Day breakfast at the house for Emma, heading over to the gym mid-morning for a PeeWee party with Emma’s buddies, and then setting up for a special family dinner/party because my parents arrive tonight around 5 p.m.! I’m so excited to make our little girl feel super loved, and also to eat all the cookies with her, haha.
In the meantime, though, here are some of my favorite treats so you can TREAT YO SELF. 😂 (‘Cause you deserve it.)
Love you, Friends. Happy Valentine’s Day from the Larkins!
Sixteen / Seventeen / Eighteen / Nineteen / Twenty / Twenty-One / Twenty-Two / Twenty-Three / Twenty-Four / Twenty-Five / Twenty-Six / Twenty-Seven / Twenty-Eight / Twenty-Nine / Thirty