Emma’s J.Crew Factory Dress: The huge J.Crew Factory sale is still going on! See my favorites (complete with reviews!) here.
I published a slimmed down version of this post on Instagram last night, but The Larkins had a wonderful—and emotional—Memorial Day Weekend. We’d originally thought we wouldn’t be able to make it down to my in-laws’ lakehouse because Baby #2 was due the week before. And while we were obviously incredibly excited about that 😉, MDW was going to be a big hurrah for my brother-in-law and his family, who are moving to the East Coast for a new job at the end of the month… and I suppose we just wished we could be in two places at once.
Mitch’s family is ridiculously close, and I love that. Everyone is pretty spread out: Mitch’s parents are on Lake Bloomington in Normal, Illinois; his younger brother, Charlie, lives on a farm (raising chickens!) nearby; his older brother, John, and his family are out in Wisconsin (though moving to Virginia soon!); and Mitch, Emma, Lucy and I are–of course–in Chicago. The lakehouse, though, is where we all convene on a regular basis. And Mitch’s parents built it for that purpose! It’s the best. The kids love going; the adults love going; heck, the dogs love going. (Click on the highlight called “MDW” to see how much Noodle loves it. 😜) There are endless activities but also tons of places to sit back, catch up with each other, and unwind from everyday life.
Anyway, the plan was to send Emma as our representative while I recovered back in Chicago. But Lucy, seemingly aware of how much the family wanted to be together, (safely) arrived early enough so that this extra-meaningful Larkin Lakehouse Bash could occur, and it was everything. ♥️ I mean, sure: we got down there on Sunday because both girls were having meltdowns left and right on Saturday, when we were supposed to leave. But we did SO MUCH in those two days! From kayaking and boating to fishing and arts and crafts, we certainly made the most of our time there.
So today, I thought I’d share photos from the weekend–completely out of order. :) I’m so grateful that the newest member of the crew was able to meet and bond with her aunt, uncle and cousins… and I’m also grateful that so many plans were made for the coming months. Trips out to Virginia, Chicago, and trips back to the lake.
Yes, there are some big changes taking place… but none of the *truly* important stuff is changing, and that’s what matters. Feeling lucky to be part of this incredible family that I love just as much as the one I was born into. 💙
Lobster Sweater / Huarache Sandals / Gingham Button-Down / Similar White Jeans Here and Here / Monogrammed Suitcase
There are a few photos that appeared in yesterday’s blog post, but I had to include them again. :) This snap of my lobster outfit is one of them! Isn’t it so cute?! I have another one that the brand Two Bees Cashmere sent me, and I absolutely adore it. But the J.Crew Factory version is so much more affordable!

Ralph Lauren Button-Down (Other knit oxfords here. I’m obsessed!) / White Jeans (Non-Maternity Here, Here and Here) / Sperrys / Stamped Initial Necklace / Sunglasses
Emma took this photo! It makes me heart happy watching her fall in love with photography, even if she’s just using an iPhone. I mean, she’s two years old! Fingers crossed she’ll stay interested in it, because I’d LOVE to go on photo hunts with her when she’s older. :)
The zombie filter needs to go, though. Tried to edit it out, haha, but it’s a tricky one.

I can’t tell you how many times we ran up and down this path. Mostly to get snacks. 😜

Noodle is OBSESSED with swimming. She’s incredible at it, too, considering she lives in the city. Noodle on the kayak, however, made my whole trip. Cracking up at this photo!

My heart. Mitch is such a great dad. We don’t deserve him. Sorry to be sappy, but I can’t believe that he’s ours. Just such an amazing person through and through. The definition of goodness. Okay, I’m stopping. :)

All her swim lessons are paying off! Water Baby.

Floral Onesie / Gingham Button-Down
Lucy slept through 95 percent of the weekend. It was kind of hilarious. We probably saw her eyeballs for an hour max, but at least she didn’t care about being passed from one person to the next. Isn’t her little onesie the cutest? Blowout diaper in it while we were there and it went straight in the trash. 😂 But it’s okay. It was 7-pound size, and we could barely button it anymore, haha.

Ralph Lauren Gingham Button-Down / White Jeans (Non-Maternity Here, Here and Here) / Sperrys / Stamped Initial Necklace / Sunglasses / Lucy’s Onesie / Emma’s Polka Dot Dress is old but from Ralph Lauren
My seven-year-old nephew took this photo! Pretty good, right?! It was clearly a makeup-free weekend for me, haha, so please excuse my unkempt appearance. But LOVED the time we spent out on the boat cruising around the lake. (There’s a shaded area for Lucy, too, making it not stressful at all!)

Stop! Is this not the cutest baby outfit you’ve ever seen?! Duffield Lane sent it to Lucy and I’m dying over it. The scallops are the sweetest!

The most picturesque setting. This is my in-laws’ beautiful yard! Over the weekend, I received a lot of questions about the floating mat, and while this one is a couple of years old, I found this one on Amazon and it looks super similar! It’s a TON of fun.

The screened-in porch is where all the board games and arts and crafts take place. It’s also where I hang out with Lucy to get her out of the sun! Such a lovely spot.

All packed up and ready to head back to Lincoln Park!

Lobster Sweater / Huarache Sandals / Gingham Button-Down / Similar White Jeans Here and Here
Hope everyone had a wonderful weekend! And again, please take a moment today to pause to remember the bravery and selflessness exhibited by those who’ve given up their lives for our country. They’re responsible for all of this, and they’re the reason we lead the lives we do. ❤️