T-Shirt Dress (50 percent off with code “GOFOURTH.” Also have and love this tiered one, this shorter one, and this short striped one. T-shirt dresses for the win!) / Waterproof Birkenstocks (Size down. Also available here, here, here and here. Cork-soled white Birkenstocks here.) / Emma’s Dress (Baby version here. Lucy sadly grew out of hers!) / Mitch’s Shirt (Newer) / Lucy’s Star Top (Newer) and Similar Lobster Bubble (The one she is wearing was Emma’s and it’s from Gap Kids.)
We were supposed to be in Ocean City with my family for the Fourth of July this year, but obviously those plans changed. I’ll admit that I was sad despite knowing how comparatively insignificant that sadness is right now. Last year’s trip had been AMAZING, and I was so looking forward to all being together and finally meeting my adorable nephew. But we ended up having the most wonderful weekend with my in-laws on the lake, and my parents are driving to Chicago on Saturday to spend a week with us! (When and where I’ll meet Baby Christopher is still unknown, but I’m holding out hope that I’ll be cuddling him soon. ♥️)
Our weekend in photos:

Lucy is so close to walking! She’s still very wobbly, but I really think it’ll happen within the next month. I’m also hoping that she starts talking within the next month so we can quell the frustration tantrums, haha.

Heart = melting. Lucy hasn’t enjoyed going in the lake this season; she much prefers splashing in the baby pool we have in the grass. She does, however, LOVE playing on the boat when we go to the “swim cove.” (Mitch is supervising and taking the photo while I’m with Emma in the water.)

The fireworks were cancelled this year, but we still went out to Mitch’s grandpa’s farmhouse to celebrate both the Fourth and his 93rd birthday. My father-in-law set off some little displays, and we had cake and ice cream on blankets in the grass. :) Such a fun night!

The smoke ones were pretty cool! In case you’re wondering, this is not a gender reveal. 😂

In case you’re new here, Mitch’s grandfather, dad and brother are all farmers. Charlie, my brother-in-law, runs Above Normal Eggs with my future sister-in-law, Shirley. They have over 500 chickens and they sell their eggs every Saturday at the Bloomington Farmer’s Market in Bloomington, Illinois. If you live nearby, definitely pay them a visit! Everything is socially distant and safe, and their eggs are the best. ;) Note: I’ve been getting questions about how to buy their mugs and t-shirts. (SO NICE. Thank you!) Online purchasing isn’t set up yet, but Mitch and Charlie are trying to figure something out!

I forgot my camera battery and knew I only had enough power for about 10 photos this weekend. STRESS, haha! I took a few of the girls, and then a few of the girls with their three cousins… (Not included here for their privacy.)

…and then a couple of Charlie and Shirley…
And then it died. 😆Booooooo.

Aunt Cathy (who lives with Grandpa) singing happy birthday to him. (She has a BEAUTIFUL voice.) Grandpa celebrated 93 years on the 4th! It’s normally a huge event but this year it was much smaller due to safety concerns re: the pandemic. So happy his birthday is July, though, as the party could be outside!

So iPhone it was! How funny is the bottle in Mitch’s shirt pocket?

Noodle fell asleep with her peeps and it was the funniest thing ever.

Over and out, Friends. Hope you had a happy and safe Fourth!
Shop the post:
T-Shirt Dress (50 percent off with code “GOFOURTH.” Also have and love this tiered one, this shorter one, and this short striped one. T-shirt dresses for the win!) / Waterproof Birkenstocks (Size down. Also available here, here, here and here. Cork-soled white Birkenstocks here.) / Emma’s Dress (Baby version here. Lucy sadly grew out of hers!) / Mitch’s Shirt (Newer) / Lucy’s Star Top (Newer) and Similar Lobster Bubble (The one she is wearing was Emma’s and it’s from Gap Kids.)