Lilly Pulitzer Dress (Old, but loving these navy striped dresses: one, two, three, four and five) / J.Crew Necklace (Old, but so many options on Etsy) / Barrington Gifts Tote (c/o) / Tory Burch Sandals / Fornash Bracelet (c/o Fornash) / Kate Spade Sunnies (Old, newer styles here) / J.Crew Earrings
Is it possible to love a dog too much?
When I first got Noodle, I was relatively nervous that the whole thing would turn out to be one giant mistake. I didn’t know if I’d make a good dog owner, and I wasn’t sure whether I could ever really love another dog after losing my beloved Reilly earlier in the year. (That was a complete disaster. I cried my little heart out–in front of my students, no less–and then left on a road trip to Florida with Mitch a few days later. We thought I would have gotten over it by then, but I cried all the way from New York City to the Outer Banks in North Carolina. Sheesh.) I also wondered whether I’d be able to handle the responsibility. I’d heard so many disaster stories, and had been warned on countless occasions that my life would never be the same.
But here’s the thing: life isn’t the same. It’s better. Now, I definitely think that having a dog wouldn’t have worked out before this point. In New York, my life was crazy. “Good crazy” for sure, but crazy nonetheless. I was never home, and getting anywhere took at least an hour by subway. I also loved sleeping late. (Really. I was a champion sleeper.) Things are different in Chicago, though. Everything is more laid-back, and Mitch and I spent a lot of time at home, in our backyard, and around our neighborhood.
Having Noodle has changed things, for sure. We don’t sleep past 6:30 a.m. (even on the weekends), and we can’t spend an entire day walking around the city. (She has such tiny legs!) We have to take her out every one to two hours, we can’t leave her for extended periods of time, and we worry about her constantly. (Is training working? Do we walk her too much? Too little? Is she eating the right amount? Sleeping enough? Is she happy? Oh God. She had an accident in the apartment today. Does this erase all her progress with potty training?)
But it’s so worth it. We’ve gotten used to the new sleep schedule (and might even like it better!), and have found that Noodle helps us get out of the house more. Because of her, we’re never bored. I can’t even tell you guys how entertaining it is walking her around our hood. It probably takes us a good 15 minutes just to get down one block, as nearly everyone wants to stop and pet her. We’ve had at least 10 people yell out the windows of their cars, too. It’s hilarious, haha. Though Noodle, we’ve met so many great people, and have had so many awesome conversations. What a blast.
And she brings a ton of joy and fun to our lives. She loves us unconditionally; has the cutest, funniest personality; and provides us with a family dynamic. I know; she’s just a dog. But we love that there are three of us now. She also makes it nearly impossible for us to get down in the dumps. Isn’t it amazing what great companionship pets provide? And how their kisses, snuggles and wagging tails seem to always put smiles on our faces?
While she isn’t Reilly, Noodle is incredible. And I love her so, so much.
Okay. Sorry for the sappiness. I should go. It’s walk time! ;)
(Do you guys have pets that you absolutely adore? I’d love to hear about them! Oh, and if anyone is looking for a Miniature Doxie, Noodle has a couple of brothers and sisters looking for loving homes. Let me know if you’re interested!)