Gingham Pajamas (I ordered my usual size, but I might recommend going up one size for a cozy, comfy fit.) / Cable-Knit Throw (Similar here, here and here) / Diptyque Candle / Vineyard Vines Hat / Chanel Book
As someone who adores sleeping, I find waking up early instead of letting the baby monitor act as my alarm clock to be extremely challenging. Sleep is just so… wonderful. At the same time, getting up before Emma makes for a much nicer day. I’ll be honest, though: I only choose the “nicer day” option half the time, haha. (Imagine what it was like getting me up in high school! Mom, I’m so sorry.)
Since my mornings completely depend on that darn alarm clock and whether I listen to it or throw it against the wall, I thought I’d write an honest post about the two types of mornings I experience on the reg. And with any hope, writing this will convince me to never hit the snooze button again.
Before we get to that, though, let’s talk about the pajamas I’m wearing in these photos, which were very clearly taken on a morning when I woke up on time. (Look at that lipstick! Bah!) Anyway, I’m wearing the cutest navy gingham jams from Nordstrom. They’re soft and comfy, and they don’t get all twisted while I sleep. They also kind of look like normal clothing, which is great for my lifestyle. (I explain that below.)
I’m SUCH a huge fan of pajama sets, and Nordstrom has so many amazing options. (And, as we all know, the retailer offers free shipping and returns and stellar customer service, so there’s no risk in ordering!) I’m also cozying up with my favorite cable-knit throw (similar here, here and here) in these pics, and wearing my favorite cap–essential for those mornings when I hit snooze. Other pj options I have my eye on? This gingham number (surprise, surprise) and these cozy pants. See more faves above!
Okay, back to those two mornings…
If I hit the snooze button:
Showering is pretty difficult, and it often doesn’t happen. I end up feeling gross and sad for the rest of the day as a result. I have a baby seat set up in the master bathroom, as it often comes to this. It’s not ideal, though. Sometimes, Emma happily plays in her seat and we both jam out to country while I shower and dry my hair. But other times, she starts wailing right as I’m shampooing, and we end up on the bathroom floor, soaking wet, hugging each other. Sounds cute, but let me assure you: it’s not. ;)
If I get up early:
I move the baby monitor into the master bathroom, and shower while jamming out to country music. (I play it low enough so I can hear Emma.) While there have been a couple of times when Emma’s woken up mid-shower, it’s rare. I usually end up clean, with dry hair, brushed teeth and a little bit of makeup applied. I feel awesome and ready to take on the day!
If I hit the snooze button:
I’m less productive. The “schedule” is off, and therefore I’m off. During nap time, for example, there are a ton of tasks I need to cross off my list instead of just a few, and I always seem to prioritize poorly. Because of this, I often end up having to work at night, which means less time with Mitch.
If I get up early:
I’m able to get some basic housework done. I can make the bed, throw the laundry in, wipe down the kitchen, and tidy up the living and dining rooms if they need it. I can also walk Noodle around the block, baby monitor in hand, and give her some personal attention. (I do usually wear my pajamas for this. I simply throw on my coat, boots and a pair of sweats if my pajamas aren’t substantial enough for Chicago weather.) Finally, I can actually work during nap time, which means more time with Mitch at night, a computer-less dinner, and maybe even a show!
If I hit the snooze button:
We’re captives in our home until after the morning nap, which usually starts around 11 a.m. and ends around noon or a little after.
If I get up early:
I can run errands with Emma after playtime and before nap time. I can grab a cup of coffee, drop off packages at UPS, and maybe even get a few blog-related chores done.
If I hit the snooze button:
I end up walking Noodle makeupless and with major bedhead. (And sometimes without those sweats and coat!) I’m just not one of those girls who looks cute when she first wakes up. And I’m horrified when I run into my neighbors. I’m surprised they even know who I am. (But that’s definitely why the hat is so crucial!)
If I wake up early:
I walk Noodle and scare no one.
If I hit the snooze button:
I don’t get any “me” time. Instead, I’m darting from Emma to Noodle right away, while dirty, sleepy and hungry.
If I get up early:
I get that “me” time! “Me” time doesn’t need to be long. I do, however, love sitting down on the couch for 10 or 15 minutes every morning. I have a cup of coffee (Mitch always leaves the pot on for me!), eat breakfast, catch up on the news, think, snuggle with Noodle, chat with Jess via GChat, reply to texts, and schedule out social media posts. But I can only do this when the house is spotless. Otherwise my eyes just dart around the room, and I make mental lists of everything I have to clean. Because I’m crazy like that. ;)
If I hit the snooze button:
I stay in my pajamas for most of the day.
If I get up early:
After showering, I throw those pajamas back on for the morning, and then change during nap time. Which is why having cute, comfy pjs are so crucial for me!
Okay, so here’s the question: What makes the biggest impact on how your mornings go?
Shop the post:
Gingham Pajamas (I ordered my usual size, but I might recommend going up one size for a cozy, comfy fit.) / Cable-Knit Throw (Similar here, here and here) / Diptyque Candle / Vineyard Vines Hat / Chanel Book
Favorite pajamas:
This post was sponsored by Nordstrom, but all opinions are my own. As always, thank you so much for supporting the partnerships that keep Kelly in the City up and running!