Hello, Friends! I’m comin’ at you from the Lake Michigan beaches in Indiana today, and I couldn’t be happier. The weather is perfect, and Kira, Tom, Mitch, Emma and I are having a BIG meal tonight. We actually had it catered by Out of the Box Catering because we didn’t want to worry about grocery shopping and cooking, and we’re super excited about trying everything! There’s just so much to think about when traveling with a baby, and it’s really nice to not have to worry about grocery shopping and cooking once we finally get to our destination. We just unload the car, pour ourselves a little wine, and breathe in that wonderfully beachy air. :)
Here are my mini updates:

Photo via Shaheen. That’s not my tan hand. ;)
Such a fun week! I think the highlight of it was celebrating Blair’s birthday with Emily, Jess and Shaheen. (And the babies. Emma finally met adorable little Jo!) We celebrated at de cero in the West Loop, and it was so great to get out in a new neighborhood, and see my friends. (Feels like forever ago that we last hung out!)
In other completely unrelated news, WE ARE JOINING A CLUB. It’s technically a fitness club, but it’s so much more than that. There’s a pool and outdoor dining on the roof; tons of activities and classes for kids; a pre-school; a lounge; and childcare. (Oh yeah, and there are workout facilities, haha.) That’s correct. Childcare! I’m kicking myself for not knowing about this sooner. But both Mitch and I think this is going to be a complete game-changer for our family. We’re hoping to have everything settled next week… and then I’ll be working for a couple of hours every morning and/or afternoon while Emma plays with her new friends.
(Also, a huge thank you goes out to my fabulous new friend, Barbie, for telling me about it. I can’t wait to hang out!)
Guys, I’m so excited about getting more than five hours of sleep every night, and for getting more family time at night and on the weekends. (And, okay, the rooftop dining looks pretty amazing. And I PROMISE to exercise every once in a while!) Haven’t been this excited about something in a long time. Can’t wait to report back!
I shot the sweetest photos of Emma at a couple of her favorite parks this past week since the weather was so gorgeous. It’s not going live until the day after Memorial Day, but I’m crazy pumped to share it! It’s seriously my favorite blog post of the year. I just had so much fun photographing it. While I do dress up a couple of times per week for various events and outings, I’m most often in “play clothes” during the mornings and afternoons… so I feel like it’s a perfect depiction of what my time with Emma really looks like. :) Think sneakers, t-shirts, really cute baby play clothing, and lots of laughter.
On another note, I’m legit obsessed with Mini Boden and Mud Pie. Looking for sweet baby clothing for the upcoming season? Look no further. I apologize to your significant others. I take full blame.
I’d like to take a minute to really thank Mitch for everything he’s doing for me. He’s completely taken over the business end of Kelly in the City as well as my freelance work, which has allowed me to get posts up and complete my projects. I definitely wouldn’t be able to keep this site afloat without him. Things are about to change BIG TIME for us next week, and I hope to make some major dents in stuff I’m majorly behind on. But in the meantime, Mitch is responsible for everything that goes on in the background, and I couldn’t be more grateful.
We also haven’t cooked in like two weeks. But whatever. We’re hoping to go grocery shopping next week? ;)
My brother and sister-in-law packed up their entire lives in Philadelphia and moved everything down to New Orleans. I can’t BELIEVE it. You know those movies in which the protagonist is like, “I need adventure!” — and then ups and moves to this crazy location? Okay, maybe New Orleans isn’t crazy, per se. BUT it sure as heck is adventurous, and I’m really impressed with how they both recognized they needed a change and simply went for it. Patrick and Kim, we can’t WAIT to visit you in NOLA! But please: explain to Mitch that we are not driving with a one-year-old. ;)
One of my very best friends, Allie, recently took this photo and I thought about it all week. Not only is it absolutely beautiful, it also reminded me to slow down and appreciate the life I’ve been given. No, I don’t live in Thailand like Allie does (TRUTH), but every time she posts something, I’m inspired by how she views the world and… well, everything. I love you, Allie. You’re a beautiful soul, I’m lucky to have you, and where the heck is that daily planner when we need it? Also, I can’t wait to see you SOON. (Totes prolonged my trip home on the off chance I’ll be able to see you!)
It’s a disaster. I have very little to say about this. OH! I’m thinking about getting rid of that green wall. I just feel like one wall in that room is done, but the other three are blank and it looks weird. Need to redesign. Thoughts?
The housing market is HOT. Everything is going so quickly. But two of our favorite neighbors actually just scored their first home! I’m so, so happy for them. I’m also really sad to see them go, though. They won’t be too far, so we’ll just have to schedule monthly dinners or something. Congrats, guys!
Anyway, here’s today’s Life Lately post:
Wicker Satchel and Nautical Silk Scarf c/o / Favorite Skinny Jeans (Also love this pair!) / Espadrille Sandals (Also available here.) / Vineyard Vines Button-Down c/o (Old, similar here, here, here and here) / Vineyard Vines Hat (Old, but LOVE these hats, which are now back in stock!)
Taken when things had just started to warm up. I love how I’m all like, “I accessorize daily!” When in reality, I only accessorize in the beginning of the season, and then get bored and wear the simplest outfits ever until the next season rolls around. ;)
c/o Mud Pie
I have no words. Emma’s Ocean City outfits came in this past week, and I’m dying! Also, spoiler alert: I might have some matching clothing, too.
We picnicked at the park on Thursday night, and had the best time. Yes, I surrounded my baby with hydrangea to take this iPhone photo.
Mud Pie Cup
Bah! A Noodle cup! I can’t find it online, but thank you, Auntie Carol! Stripes, gingham, and a dachshund.
Mitch took this while in NYC and it gave me all the feelings. Excited to get back to the city in a couple of weeks with Emma and my mom!
Taken on Mother’s Day! I guess I didn’t talk much about Mother’s Day this past week, but it was so lovely. Mitch’s parents came up, and we spent the day out on the lake and then spent an hour or two on the roof of Restoration Hardware. I realize that that sounds weird, but LOOK. (Here’s the video.)
Boden Dress / Tuckernuck Hat c/o
There’s that Boden dress again! She may have worn it twice this week. Doesn’t it remind you of Liberty London?!
Draper James Dress / Wicker Satchel c/o / Kiltie Slides
Draper James is available on Nordstrom. I repeat: Draper James is on Nordstrom! I love everything, and you’ll definitely be seeing quite a bit on the blog in the coming weeks. :)
Also, can someone come over and babysit Emma for like two hours so I can get my hair highlighted?! Oy, haha!
My Aunt Michelle gave Emma this adorable little outfit from Carter’s, and it came in VERY handy this past week when temps dropped to the 40s. Blah! But how cute does she look in that puffer vest?! Thank you, Aunt Michelle! (Here’s Emma’s nursery post.)
Just waiting for Daddy to get home. <3 I’m wearing an old Vineyard Vines dress, Emma’s wearing Jumping Beans, and here’s our tote. (Also, can we talk about how cute this VV dress is for Emma?!)
Boden Dress (AGAIN.)
We LOVE the new Instagram filters. The bunny one is clearly our fave, but we also like the math one.
Another snap from Mother’s Day. Chicago, you are beautiful.
We spent a great day this past week at the Lincoln Park Zoo. It was nearly 90 degrees! I wore an old Lilly Pulitzer maxi, but there are so many great ones available right now. You can also find ’em on the Lilly site! Also, my favorite pink pumps are on sale, and here’s the tote.
Daddy and daughter looking at the fishes. <3
Whoever this person is, YASSSS to you, Sir. (Or ma’am.)
Emma Catherine, you steal my heart.
This popped up on Facebook the other day. It was taken during Senior Week at Fairfield. We look like babies! And yes, that’s me with the short brown hair. ;)
Striped Dress from Shopbop or Zappos (Also love this one, this one, this one and this one.) / Sneakers (Here in pure white and here in chambray. These are faves, too.) / Tote / Replacement Sunglasses!
One of the first real dress days of the year. LOVED it. Here’s the full blog post. I share my five favorite casual striped dresses.