Barbour Jacket c/o (Also available here and here. And I LOVE this take on the yellow raincoat!) / Paige Jeans / J.Crew Factory T-Shirt / Sperry Topsiders (Old, similar here, here, here and here. Also these!) / C.Wonder Bracelet (Old, similar here) / Pearl Earrings / Vintage Ann Taylor Scarf (Borrowed from Mom, but adore this one!) / Similar Sunglasses
Nantucket has me missing Mitch like crazy, as we have so many happy memories from our ACK trips. (See below for three videos that were made roughly five years ago!) This is the longest we’ve ever been apart from each other, and I won’t lie: it’s been rough. Every night, I go to bed sad, and every morning, the first thing I think about is that he isn’t with me.
At the risk of sounding too dependent, I miss my husband. A lot. And I don’t care what that statement might suggest about me. (Personally, I think it just suggests that I love him!) Without him, I feel empty.
Don’t get me wrong: I’m having a great time on the East Coast. I’ve loved seeing family and friends, and being home is always good for the soul. And it’s not like I need to be with Mitch every second of the day. I do lots of stuff on my own and with my girlfriends in Chicago. But sigh. I’m ready to be reunited. Which happens tomorrow for Katie’s wedding festivities! (Thank goodness for Rent the Runway, because I do NOT look like that in the dress anymore, haha. More on that soon. We chose “blush,” by the way!)
The silver lining to all of this is that it really makes me appreciate my life in Chicago with Mitch. I mean, I certainly appreciated it before. (Amazing city! Fabulous friends! Fun job! Dream house in the making!) But with all our construction woes, I was kind of itching to get away. (Not from Mitch, of course–just the renovations.) Now, though, there’s nothing I want more than to be running to and from tile stores, going over blueprints, and having contractor meetings… with my husband.
Perspective is a powerful thing, and every time I gain some, I’m grateful.
I can’t wait to see you tomorrow, Mitch. Be prepared to be tackled!
Also, I love how these photos have nothing to do with the topic of this post. Whaaaaatever. ;)
Thanks for the photos, Dad! Love you!