Maxi Dress (On sale! And the navy ric rac dress is on sale. QUICK! As is the striped maxi, which I wore in this post.) / Gingham Dress (On sale! Also love this one.) / Seersucker Dress / The Girls’ Wedges / Everlane Bridge Sandals / White Bridge Sandals / Newer VV Clutch
As Vineyard Vines is having a massive MDW sale right now, I thought I’d share some snaps from Hope Town Harbor in the Abacos that never made it to the blog! If you can, view it on your desktop. ☺ It’s formatted to be viewed in “full page,” which kind of takes me forever to do, haha… but I love how it turned out!
Looking at these photos make me feel so calm. Aaaaand excited. I don’t think I’ve mentioned this yet, but Mitch and I are taking Emma to Bermuda in June! More on that soon, but if you have recommendations, we’d love to hear ’em! In true Larkin style, we’ve done literally no research so far. ;)
Anyway, gotta cut this short as I’m actually writing this in advance so I can enjoy the long weekend. (We’re at my in-laws’ lake house!) But be sure to check out the Vineyard Vines Memorial Day Weekend sale. It’s REALLY good! So much of what I wore in the Abacos is included; you can see all my posts here, and this is my overview of the trip I took with Vineyard Vines. I’m obsessed with the palm-print maxi I’m wearing in these photos, but my #1 dress pic is the navy ric rac number! CAN’T believe it’s included. :)
Also, in case you missed it, here is my MASSIVE guide to shopping the Nordstrom Half-Yearly Sale, along with complete (crazy?) coverage of all my other favorite sales going on right now. And simply comment on this post in order to be entered to win a $200 Visa gift certificate. Winner will be announced on Monday so she has time to shop the sales! <3
Over and out.
Hope Town Harbor

Shop the post:
Maxi Dress (On sale! And the navy ric rac dress is on sale. QUICK! As is the striped maxi, which I wore in this post.) / Gingham Dress (On sale! Also love this one.) / Seersucker Dress / The Girls’ Wedges / Everlane Bridge Sandals / White Bridge Sandals / Newer VV Clutch
Shop the Vineyard Vines MDW Sale:
Thank you for so many of these pics, Sean Gale Burke!