Lexington Co. Sweater (c/o) / Henri Bendel Tote (c/o) / C.Wonder Dachshund Hat / Tory Burch Boots (Try these!) / J.Crew Necklace and Earrings /BlankNYC Jeans (I’m wearing the “Spray-On”) / Kate Spade Sunnies (Old, newer styles here) / Daniel Wellington Watch (c/o) / Joyiia Bracelet (c/o)
It’s our last day in NYC, so let’s keep this short. I can’t believe we only have one day left! Insert distressed emoji, haha. I’m definitely sad to leave, but it’s been a fabulous trip–and I can’t wait to share what few photos I took once we’re back in Chicago. (Have you ever gone on a trip and just not felt like taking out your camera? Sometimes it’s really nice to capture the experience in your mind instead of on film, don’t you think?)
For now, though, I’ll leave you with some photos that Mitch and I did take. ;) We took them outside Tompkins Square Park in our old hood after brunch at Westville East with our friends Shawn, Amy and Dom. Such a fun time–so much french toast and laughter–and these pics remind me of that. :)
Happy Tuesday, all!
Dachshund Hat