C.Wonder Quilted Barn Jacket (Old, newer style here) / Kensie Sweater (c/o — Sold out, but love this sweatshirt version!) / Legwear Loft Leggings (c/o — Also love these faux leather leggings!) / J.Crew Factory Flats / Kate Spade Bag (Old, similar newer styles here and here) / Cinco Powell Monogrammed Tag (c/o) / Capwell + Co. Necklaces (c/o) / Michael Kors Watch / Sylvia Benson Necklace (c/o Personal Couture Boutique) / Armed & Readi Bracelet (c/o) / J.Crew Earrings / Kate Spade Sunnies (Old, newer styles here)
I love quilted jackets. I have two, and I scored each of them for under $50 at C.Wonder’s popup store on Fifth Avenue a few years ago during a major sale. (Mine are no longer available, but the newer barn jacket and cropped jacket are pretty similar!)
Lately, I’ve been throwing on my maroon-colored one–which I thankfully thought to bring out to Chicago with me this past June–at least a dozen times per day. (Noodle needs to be taken out on the hour, and temperatures have been in the 50s in the mornings and at night!) I love how easy it is to slip it on and off, and that it basically feels like I’m wrapping myself in a down comforter. ;) It really makes those early-morning and late-night walks a bit more bearable!
Below are some of my favorite quilted jackets that are currently available. Obviously, I’m a huge fan of the Barbour coats, but I also really have my eye on this L.L. Bean number! And yes; I did include one for Noodle. ;)