Madewell Sweater (Old, similar here and here) / Joules Vest (c/o — Old, newer styles here) / J.Crew Cords, Chambray Shirt, Earrings and Necklace / Franco Sarto Boots (Old, similar here. They’re on their last legs, but I can’t find a good replacement! I’d love to invest in a pair of Tory Burch boots, but I look like I’m swimming in the pair I recently tried on. Anyone have any good suggestions?! I’m thinking these Cole Haan boots, because I can take 25 percent off with code “FRIENDS.” Not sure, though. Help!) / Kate Spade Sunnies (Old, newer styles here) / Tory Burch Tote (Check out the Tory Burch Private Sale here!) / Daniel Wellington Watch (c/o — Use code “KELLYINTHECITY” to take 15 percent off your order!) / Armed & Readi Pave Bracelet (c/o)
(Plaid Sperrys! #omg)
Noodle and I are driving back to Chicago today (12 hours; eek!), so let’s keep this one on the shorter side, shall we? ;)
These photos were taken yesterday at my parents’ home in Bucks County, Pennsylvania. Ahhhhh… I love it there. Of course, I love Bucks County because it’s my family’s home base, and it’s where we all gather. But I particularly love it this time of year, when it seems crazy not to dress in preppy cords and chunky sweaters with elbow patches. (There isn’t a university in town, but it sure has that collegiate feel!)
Anyway. ;) Right now, J.Crew Factory has a big selection of sweaters and blazers with elbow patches, but check out some of my other faves from different retailers below! There are a few men’s products in there, too, because who doesn’t love a good oversized sweater?
Happy Saturday!