Just in time for some prime outdoor hangout sessions, I’m back with another playlist. 😉
If you’re looking for more, I have 9 others right here! (Kind of crazy that I’m on #10!)
And these are my thoughts on a few songs I want to highlight:
“Kiss Me Darling” by the Twin Forks: Any Chris Carrabba fans here?! This was news to me, but he’s now playing in a folk rock band called the Twin Forks. (Since 2011, actually.) I felt seen when I discovered Twin Forks, haha; I’m a huge fan of the folk rock and alternative country genres… and it almost felt like Chris Carrabba had grown up and changed alongside me.
It’s been a long time since
I saw you in the village playing mandolin
Something in your singing made my burdens lift
Hanging onto every word to cross your lips
Feels like a long way gone
But I can still remember how you sang that song
Smiling like nobody’d ever done you wrong
Strumming like you knew you had me all along
Yes to this.
“Chateau Lobby #4” by Father John Misty: Okay, I should warn you that this song is a bit racy. (Very racy.) But it’s so good. But, I mean, no one’s going to notice if the music is playing in the background at a party or whatever. Right? Right?! Anyway, the PG-13 line that gets me is:
“Stay as long as you want”
And I haven’t left your bed since
As somebody else since I remember
“Waitin’ on a Sunny Day” by Bruce Springsteen:
How could I not include Bruce in this playlist considering we’re down the Shore right now?! Bruce Springsteen is every happy childhood in Ocean City for me. And despite the fact that “Waitin’ on a Sunny Day” came out on “The Rising” in 2002, I’d say it’s my favorite. It just makes me HAPPY. Like, play this song and my mood is instantly lifted. During a time in my life defined by introspection, this helped me rise above it all and remember to have fun. ;)
“Wildflowers” Cover by The Wailin’ Jennys:
I’m always down for a good cover, and this one is beautiful. “Wildflowers” reminds me of a trip out to see my friends from my family’s Air Force Days. It was my first time introducing Mitch to anyone, and I was just so excited and happy and in love. Afterwards, I remember my college roommate Beth seeing a video Mitch made of the trip and telling me she’d never seen me happier and also when would we be getting married? 😜
“Friday I’m in Love” Cover by Phoebe Bridgers: Another Beth story! Beth and I played this every Friday—often times out our window—in the dorms or our senior house at Fairfield University. We’d also play air guitar and use hairbrushes as microphones. It’s wonder we had any friends, especially because we could never remember the correct order of the lyrics.
This just in from Beth via text:
“We were awesome and everybody was jealous.”