What I wore: Sail to Sable Dress c/o STS (And check out the rest of Tuckernuck’s STS collection here!) / Jack Rogers Sandals / Kate Spade Bangle (Old, but love the Sailor’s Knot Bangle and the Earrings!) / J.Crew Earrings / Everyone else is in Talbots (Haha — Just kidding. But there is a lot of Talbots going on here. ;)
I’d had the whole thing planned for months: drive 12 hours from Chicago to Eastern Pennsylvania and walk into my parents’ house around 8 or 9 p.m., totally unannounced. I imagined shocked faces, perhaps a screech or two, and lots of hugs. Instead, upon arriving, I stood on their driveway (alone), scratching my head in confusion.
(Actually, Noodle was there.)
Where the heck are they?! I wondered.
Turns out my parents have quite the social life, and they were out partying with their friends until 11. ;) So I hung around the hood like a creeper for a couple of hours, too nervous to enter the house, as my father has a “Meet the Parents”-style security system. But as everyone piled out of the car, Noodle and I walked up to them, and those jaws finally hit the ground. First, silence. Then the questions. “How did you get here?!” “What are you doing here?!” “How?!” What?!” “KELLY?!”
So fun. :)
True surprised reactions are incredible. Like mine when this happened. I seriously think I stood there for a good 30 seconds before I even understood what was going on.
Had to get ’em back, right?!
Anyway, we had SUCH a great–albeit late–night, and a really wonderful Mother’s Day weekend. There was a backyard cocktail party, dinner party, shopping day, and Mother’s Day brunch… and we drove into Philly to go to dinner and see Patrick and Kim’s new 1700s-era house. (Ah-mah-zing.)
I have a ton of photos to share, but let’s focus on Sunday for today! Brunch was held at Grammie’s gorgeous Bucks County home, and I loved surprising her as well as my Auntie-M. (Also, my dad, uncle and brother attended… but I didn’t manage to get a guys’ pic. I blame the lack of sleep, haha. Note those bags under my eyes!) The food was out of this world (per usual), and the company was even better. :) Lots of catching up, laughs, and stories. I love my fam.
Oh! And Grammie graciously let me photograph her home for this blog post! Isn’t it stunning?! I admire her refined sense of style so much, and love how she mixes Colonial decor with modernity. I somehow forgot to take a photo of her bedroom, but goodness. It’s beautiful. Think: floor-to-ceiling drapes, a four-poster bed, a detailed white quilt, and mahogany night tables and dressers.
More to come tomorrow, but for now, I hope you enjoy her home as much I love visiting it! (Love you, Gram!)