Henri Bendel Bag (c/o) / J.Crew Factory Sweater (Old, but see similar styles below!) / Bunny LeBleu Flats (c/o) / Paige Jeans (Old, similar here) / J.Crew Necklace and Earrings / 9th & Elm Monogrammed Bracelet (c/o) / Armed & Readi Crystal Bracelet (c/o) / Kate Spade Watch / Kate Spade Sunnies (Old, newer styles here)
Ugh! In the words of Tom Petty: The last three days / The rain was unstoppable / It was always cold / No sunshine. Boo! So looking forward to tomorrow, as the forecast is calling for sun. Plus, I’m going to see Ryan Adams at the Chicago Theatre! Stay tuned for coverage, since I’m sure I’ll record the whole thing on my phone. (Kidding. Kind of. Just wait.) But really, the weather has awful lately… so please excuse my unkempt appearance. I was going for something like this or this, but everyone can use a good dose of reality once in a while, right? It was also laundry day, so there’s that. ;)
Anyway, these photos were snapped in downtown Chicago on Sunday, right before I met my good friend Emily for lunch. Emily, with whom I attended high school and college, was in town for the Chicago Marathon! Don’t marathon runners amaze you? Not only are they insanely talented, they’re also super dedicated, driven, and passionate about their sport. Really wish I was like that about something. Em’s a constant source of inspiration for me!
Oh, and she’s also a fabulous writer. I love this blog post she wrote about the New York Marathon, and this one about running the length of Long Beach Island. :)
Congratulations, Em! So proud of you, girl!