Mitch here!
Kelly is galavanting across the Bahamas with Vineyard Vines on yacht this week, and despite my predilection towards beaches and marine mammals, I’m not jealous at all! I have Emma in Chicago and all is right with the world.
Okay, I’m a little jealous. I mean, I like the Bahamas. At least I think I would if I ever got the chance to go. And I love Vineyard Vines, too. What I’m trying to say is that it’s okay for Kelly to go have this once-in-a-lifetime trip in paradise but, like, how could she just leave us like this?! I don’t even know how to dress Emma and I’m a really bad at singing Wheels on the Bus. Screw it! I’m not doing the dishes at all this week.
Take that!
All jokes aside, Kelly is spending the week with Vineyard Vines and The Moorings to like really explore the ins and outs of the islands while the rest of us sit up here in the cold and try to remember what the sun looks like. I mean, honestly, where does she get off?! She better bring me back something nice.
So what will Emma and I be up to in our stead? Daddy/Daughter Week is what! We have big plans. No, we don’t plan on dressing up like Little Orphan Annie and Daddy Warbucks every day. (These photos were for a blog collaboration, haha.) But the zoo, park, lake, choo-choo and Children’s Museum are all on the table. Or maybe we’ll just lay around watching Mary Poppins all day. Who knows?!
So follow along on the blog this week for a few Mitch posts and be sure to follow along with Kelly’s Instagram if you’re into adventurous travel, preppy fashion, natural splendor, yachts and general gaiety.
Oh yeah, and I’m taking over the blog this week. We’ll see how THAT goes.
(Suggestions on what to write about tomorrow?!)
Mitch. Out!