I’m so excited that it’s September. ☺️ Weather-wise, September and October are wonderful months here in Chicago, and I just love settling into a daily routine again. Life moves a lot slower for us in early fall, and I so appreciate the down time. (And the no-plans weekends!)
All of that said, we had an amazing summer. Yes, it was a little crazy. ;) We were sleep-deprived and often felt like we were barely holding it together. But we became a family of four, and everything seemed to fall into place. Looking back, the whole thing was just so surreal, and I’m grateful for all of it.
We celebrated the end of summer this past weekend at my in-laws’ lake house. We love going down there and spending time with family. It’s the perfect escape from our normal day-to-day, and it’s good for the soul.
I didn’t do very much documenting, but Mitch’s grandparents came out yesterday, and Aunt Cathy suggested that we take some “four generations” photos. Thank you, Aunt Cathy. I obviously take a ton of photos, and the girls’ lives have been extensively documented. ;) But things get a little crazy on family trips, and the camera often goes untouched because our minds are elsewhere.
Oops the baby pooped oh my gosh where are Emma’s shoes Emma what did you do with your shoes also where’s Noodle has anyone seen Noodle hey let’s go swimming okay everyone in their swimsuits wait let’s eat lunch what does everyone want for lunch yes I’ll pour you a glass of milk okay let’s clean up yes let’s also go fishing grab the rods (and so on and so forth). 😂
We’re so thankful that we paused for a moment to take these, though. They’re photos that we’ll always treasure. The girls with their great-grandparents! What an incredibly special gift. And I know that when I think back on this day, I’ll always remember Lucy holding on to her great-grandmother’s finger and smiling up at her as tears ran down her face. Bah! I’ve made myself cry again.
These two are directly responsible for all the love and joy in our family, and they’re the reason our family exists in the first place. And that thought is beyond powerful. ❤️

^ Lucy’s face 😂
Lilly Pulitzer Girls’ Dress and Baby Dress (Adult version here!)
Favorite camera gear: