Vegan Leather Pants: Dex / Wedges: Target / Chambray Shirt: J.Crew Factory / Jacket: C. Wonder / Bag: Kate Spade / Necklace: J.Crew (old) similar here / Watch: MICHAEL Michael Kors / Bracelets: Henri Bendel, C.Wonder (old) similar here, and J.Crew (old) similar here / Earrings: Kate Spade (old) similar here
Last week, I finally purchased my first pair of faux leather pants. It took me something like two years to actually bite the bullet and do it, not because of the price tag—there are, surprisingly, great options for under $50!—but because I was nervous they’d just sit in my closet. I asked myself: When exactly would one wear leather pants? Would I look ridiculous? Would I be uncomfortable? Would they make noise when I move? Would I stick to subway seats?

But I did it. I was lusting after Paige’s leather pants, but how can a person really justify spending nearly $300 on something she’s not quite sure she’ll wear? Scratch that. Why would someone ever spend nearly $300 on any pair of pants? I don’t think I could do it even if they were coated in gold. ;)
So instead, I settled on Dex vegan leather pants, which I scored for under $45 with a coupon code. (Piperlime does it again!) I’d never heard of Dex and they had these weird stripes on the knees that made them kind of resemble biker pants, but they received great reviews, and Piperlime offers free shipping both ways. No risk!

Well, they arrived yesterday and I’m completely obsessed. My advice to anyone who is considering leather: Do it. You’ll rock it. First of all, they really just look like leggings with a big of an edge. You can wear them anywhere. They can even make an outfit look a bit dressier. They’re super comfortable—they honestly fit like a dream—they don’t make swooshing noises when you move, and I promise–you won’t stick to subway seats. (I never once stuck to any of my seats on the various forms of mass transit I took this morning during my commute to the Bronx today!) They keep you warm, too. (I tested them in 25-degree weather and they got the job done!)
If you’re a first time faux leather wearer, I really recommend the Dex pants. While they definitely give you the look, they are a bit more muted than other leather pants on the market right now. For one, only the front half is faux leather, which certainly diminishes a bit of the “shock factor.” And those stripes on the knees? Cute! They help to differentiate the pants from all the others on the market.
Verdict? The Dex faux leather pants are keepers! Today I paired them with chambray (another Olivia Palermo-inspired look) and threw on some pink (Target!) wedges to add some color. Side note: I really need to start buying shoes in my actual size.