Tuckernuck Cape (On sale! Use code “GROUNDHOG” to take up to 50 percent off. Mine’s an older version. This one is also on sale, and it’s so cute!) / Turtleneck (On sale! Use code “GROUNDHOG” to take up to 50 percent off.) / Faux Leather Leggings (On sale! Use code “GROUNDHOG” to take up to 50 percent off. I also have this $42 pair and this Commando pair and love them.) / Burberry Boots (Also love this pair, this pair and this pair.)
Mitch, Emma and I ran out for doughnuts this morning, and Mitch convinced me to throw off my coat for a hot freezing minute to snap some pics in the winter wonderland. (Do we like how my husband is a better blogger than I am? 😂)
Anyway, I thought I should highlight Tuckernuck’s sale, as it’s ah-mah-zing. Right now, you can use code “GROUNDHOG” to take an extra 30, 40 or 50 percent off sale items. And nearly everything I’m wearing in this post is included: my cape (also this one), my turtleneck and my faux leather leggings (also this pair). You can shop the rest of the sale here!
Anyway, hope everyone has a fun, warm and safe night. :) We’ve decided to stay in because I’m not feeling well… and since we leave for Florida in less than a week, everyone needs to be healthy! (In hindsight, probably should’ve kept my coat on, haha. 🤔)
Catch you back here tomorrow!

Shop the post:
Tuckernuck Cape (On sale! Use code “GROUNDHOG” to take up to 50 percent off. Mine’s an older version. This one is also on sale, and it’s so cute!) / Turtleneck (On sale! Use code “GROUNDHOG” to take up to 50 percent off.) / Faux Leather Leggings (On sale! Use code “GROUNDHOG” to take up to 50 percent off. I also have this $42 pair and this Commando pair and love them.) / Burberry Boots (Also love this pair, this pair and this pair.)
Remember: use code “GROUNDHOG” to take an additional 30, 40 or 50 percent off Tuckernuck’s sale.