Mitch’s Pants c/o, Blazer, Brief Case c/o, Button Down & Penny Loafers
Emma’s Blazer, Loafers (Also love these Gucci look-alikes!), Corduroys & Shirt
Mitch here!
I’d be lying if I said that Lately with Mitch was our planned post for today, but here we are!
Lately with Mitch would be a viable idea if A) I had a life and B:) Mitch was actually my name… but here are a few things that I’ve been into or that have been on my mind as of late:
- Bass & Co. Loafers: Daddy apparently needs a new pair of shoes. I know this because Kelly complains every time I leave the house in any of the shoes I own. If you look closely at the image above, my loafers are covered in a weird salty grime. So we are going big, going deep, dropping that Bass… & Co.
- Camp Gammy: Listen, raising a 1.5-year-old is tough. Work is mounting and the pressure is taking over. We need big-time help! So yesterday, I fired up the Grandma Bat Signal and aimed it at the clouds. Emma is off to Camp Gammy for a few days! Gammy, née my Mom, is the world’s greatest babysitter. She fills Emma’s days with all kinds of creative and engaging activities. Emma is a lucky girl and we are lucky parents. Camp Gammy is the Midwest’s premier desperate parent babysitting service featuring such activities as climbing the stairs for 12 hours in a row, visiting the children’s museum every day, and waking up at 6 am. Thanks, Mom!
- Naptimes with Kelly and Mitch: Watching junk on the internet is my favorite pastime. If given the chance I’d watch this kind of stuff perpetually. Like, I wouldn’t do anything else ever again. And while I don’t claim to be as interesting as a grandmother describing an electric scooter, I do claim to be half of a fledgeling Instagram Story segment that Kelly and I hope to do once a week. Check us out!
- Gingham Plates: When Kelly (and Kira) proposed the idea of renovating our kitchen, I was like, “Cool. Our appliances are in good shape, so how much could this possibly cost me?” But immediately after the kitchen was installed, all of our appliances killed themselves. So in response to our disaster of a broken dishwasher pile of dirty (and damaged) dishes, Kelly decided to buy new plates. And as you might expect, the plates are gingham. And I kind of love them.
- Overcoat: I pulled it off! I’m a blazer guy now. Wearing a blazer is like an outfit super power. If I put on old jeans, a wrinkly shirt and a blazer, I get compliments. With the same outfit, minus the blazer, people throw change at me on the street. But there is one small problem: blazers don’t work with parkas! So I did a little research and apparently–if I decide to go outside again before May–I need an overcoat to complement my undercoat. Any ideas? Help me.
- Gimbal: I’m in the market for a gimbal. I need a gimbal to do all the things that gimbals do, and when I’m in a pinch, I don’t want to be gimbal-less. I just need to figure out what a gimbal is before I pull the trigger.
- KJP Watch: Kelly surprised me with an early Valentine’s Day present and I’m honestly obsessed. Okay: it wasn’t meant to be early, but I accidentally saw the email and blew the surprise. And by accidentally, I mean I saw an email from KJP, got all excited, and clicked. Sorry, Kelly. But I love it and thank you!
- Air Popper: When people come over to our house, they know they’re in for a treat. I run a popcorn paradise over here. I’m popping off in this place. I’m like the Popcorn Picasso. But here’s a little secret: I don’t actually pop the corn myself. This little machine does it and I get all the credit! Life pro tip: Use olive oil instead of butter if all of your appliances are broken and you don’t have a microwave.
- Frying Pan: I live my life on a delicate balance between practicality and outright laziness. For example, I threw away all of my socks and bought 30 pairs of navy gold toes so I don’t have to pair off socks anymore. Practical or lazy? I’m not really sure. Also, instead of pristinely scrubbing pots and pans every night, I’ve decided to buy cheap stuff and throw ’em away when I destroy them. Practical or lazy? If Kelly’s recent Instagram Story poll has anything to say about it, the verdict is… lazy. :(
- Dog Bowls: I’m a simple guy who likes simple things. I take my cheese in stick form. I carry home Starbucks cups and use them again the next day. I only own one kind of socks. My dog, however, eats out of these luxurious chinoiseristic doggy bowls like she’s some kind of beauty contestant. Noodle is livin’ the life these days. She wakes up at 10, she eats a trail of Emma snacks throughout the day, and then she takes multiple four-hour naps. Oh, to be Noodle…