Jonathan Adler Tote (c/o) / J.Crew Factory Pants (So comfy and flattering–cotton/spandex fabric and a side zip! I’m wearing them in navy, but they also come in black and maroon) / Armed and Readi Pave Bracelet (c/o) / Fornash Elephant Bangle (c/o Fornash) / Franco Sarto Sandals (Old, similar here) / Kate Spade Sunnies (Old, newer styles here) / Lilly Pulitzer Top (Old, similar here and here – original inspiration here) / Kate Spade Necklace (On sale, but also available here) / J.Crew Pearl Earrings / Michael Kors Watch
After 12 hours in an overpacked Prius, I safely arrived in Chicago around 11 p.m. last night. Phew. Coming home after a wonderful trip is difficult, but I also love putzing around the apartment once I return. I kind of see my home in a whole new light, and appreciate parts of it that used to bother me. (Like the gray molding I so used to hate. Oh, you wonderful gray molding! You’re mine!) So I’m devoting today to full-out putzing. I’m unpacking, cleaning, organizing, responding to emails, catching up on blog stuff, paying bills, and editing photos from my travels–all the stuff that fell to the wayside while I was on the East Coast.
One of my favorite parts of the trip was getting back to New York. (How predictable am I?!) I was there pretty briefly, but it was just what I needed. It’s funny–the moment I came out of the Queens-Midtown Tunnel, my eyes welled up. While I’ve definitely been falling in love with Chicago this summer, I also never know where I’m going, don’t have a lot of friends, and don’t have very many memories tied to the Windy City. Of course, I know that all of these things will come in time. But there’s no place like home, you know? It’s so easy and comforting. (Okay. I’m stopping, haha.)
Staying organized is something I’m not the best at while traveling, as I’m quite the overpacker. I’m constantly losing my cell phone, sunglasses, car keys, hotel key card and makeup. Normally, the item I’m looking for is just buried underneath tons of crap at the bottom of my tote bag, but I almost always have a full-blown panic attack before I realize that. The East/West Tote, though, is brilliant–it has easily accessible labeled pockets, making it next to impossible for me to lose those important things!

Genius. I also love that there are a ton of different varieties of the bag:
One / Two (My current favorite!) / Three / Four / Five / Six
Anyway, my tote Mitch and I had a really nice visit. ;) We spent some time with my parents in Midtown, and then walked around the East Village and the Lower East Side. Later, we met up with friends at the Rusty Knot, one of our favorite establishments in the West Village, and had–perhaps–too much fun. (It was so great to see you guys… Love you!) We eventually crashed at Shawn’s in Stuyvesant Town, which was a tad bit emotional, as he moved to a new apartment a few days later. So many of our friends resided there over the years, so it was hard to see it go! (It was like the Friends apartment!)
Photos below!