Banana Republic Blazer, Jeans and Pumps c/o / Old top, similar here / Kendra Scott Necklace c/o
[dropcap]A[/dropcap]s I promised myself in yesterday’s post, I’ve been working on my 2016 Goals. And while they haven’t been “finalized” yet, I’ve pretty happy with the tentative list. A goal that’s definitely on there?
One of the hardest parts about losing our master bedroom was losing our closets. We had huge ones before–complete with elfa shelving systems–and for the first time in my life, my closet was clean and organized all the time. It was nothing short of magical, and a huge change from keeping shoes in my kitchen cabinets like I did in New York. (What? Don’t judge.)
But for the last four and a half months, Mitch and I have been literally living out of suitcases and storage tubs, and my wardrobe organization has never been more disastrous. I’d post a photo of what our guest room–where we’re currently residing–looks like, but it’s too embarrassing, haha. The closet is full of storage tubs, and still there are boxes completely surrounding the beds.
Needless to say, it’s kind of hard to get dressed in the morning. I don’t know where anything is, and even if I did know where my stuff was, I’m pretty sure I couldn’t get to it. So I grab whatever’s in the nearest tub and hope for the best. Luckily, I located the holiday tub for last month. But if we’re being honest here, more often than not I’m in the same pair of jeans or leggings and the same four or five sweaters or sweatshirts on a daily basis. (Don’t worry. I wash ’em.) Because it’s so much easier than digging through the disaster zone.
A closet is just around the corner. We’re nearing the end of the demolition of the basement floor and construction of the drainage system, and we’re almost ready to hire a contractor to rebuild. It’s so exciting! I can’t wait to sleep in the same bed as my husband again, not use our guest bathroom as our primary bathroom, and get the house back in order. And I’m already dreaming of my new closet. ;)
How cute is Banana Republic these days?! What a comeback!
Still, it’ll probably be a solid couple of months before all of that happens. So I’m vowing to try harder. To dig a little deeper, and to spend some time going through the boxes and tubs and locating looks that’ll help me feel more put-together, and help me be more productive. Because I’m definitely someone who’s more productive when she dresses the part.
Take this outfit. Granted, it helped that most of it arrived in a box a couple of days before these photos were snapped. ;) But I got SO much done when I wore it. Because the jeans were comfy and the blazer provided extra warmth, I was able to spruce up, run errands, pound out a lot of work at a coffee shop, and go out with friends. If I’d been in my usual leggings-and-raggedy-sweater getup, it’s safe so say I probably wouldn’t even have left the house, haha.
With any luck, I’ll be back with another productivity outfit soon. ;) Next up? Finding my curling wand…