Skirted Leotard (Also available here for less. It’s the same one; we ordered both in different sizes! I’ve received a lot of questions about sizing, so I’d say that the leotard runs slightly small. Emma is 2.5 years old, but big for her age, and she’s wearing a size 2-4 here. That said, it just fits. She’ll likely be in the 4-6 in a couple of months.) / Ballet Slippers / Ballet Tights / Similar Hair Bows
Ever since we took Emma to see The Nutcracker at the Athenaeum Theater in Lakeview, she’s been obsessed with all things ballet. She was a little too young for most classes, though; they pretty much all started at age three. But lo! Our gym is incredible, and they said that because Emma was so, so excited about ballet, she could attend a “trial class” with the older kids to see if she was ready. (So sweet!)
In the weeks leading up to the big day, Emma tried on and spun around in her ballerina outfit more times than I could count. It replaced the beloved Elsa costume. That’s how much she adored it! And I have to admit: when the day did arrive, I was a little nervous. I just didn’t want her to be heartbroken if she couldn’t keep up, you know? Was I wrong in signing her up for something she might not be ready for?!
Mitch told me to relax, and that it was just a three-year-old ballet class, hahaha.
In the beginning, Emma was pretty shy. But almost right away, the sweetest set of twins took her under their wings, holding her hand and encouraging her to join in. My heart melted. There’s such a focus on bullying these days, and for good reason, of course. But I loved seeing children exhibit true kindness and empathy in that moment. It was a reminder that there’s so much goodness in the world, too.
Anyway, after the kids ran around together to Taylor Swift’s “Shake it Off,” the class started. They sat in a circle, and the instructor asked them a question. I forget what the question was, but they went around the circle, answering one by one… and when they got to Emma, she exclaimed, “Noodle jumps on me! Noodle jumps on me!”
Mitch and I looked at each other and were like, “Okay, yeah. She’s not ready for this.”
But then the fluorescent lights dimmed, and something clicked in our little toddler. And she fell in line with the other dancers who continued to watch out for her. She twirled. She jumped. And, she boogied. She followed the instructor’s lead. And she laughed and smiled. She was unbelievably happy, and thus, so were we.
At the end of the class, the kids were to put on a little “recital,” as it was the last day of the 10-week session. The original plan was for Emma to sit it out, but everyone decided that she should just go for it. ;) So she lined up for a set of butterfly wings, took her position with the other children, and held her own! It was hilariously adorable, and you can see it here if you’d like!
Predictably, I cried.
This is such a random blog post, but I suppose I just wanted to share a little bit of joy from our lives in the hopes that it starts your week off on a positive note. :) So here are way too many photos of the tiniest ballerina, twirling and spinning and loving every minute of it.
(Oh, and she “passed” the trial, haha. So we’re going back on Wednesday! Woo!)

Shop The Toddler Ballerina Outfit:
Skirted Leotard (Also available here for less. It’s the same one; we ordered both in different sizes! I’ve received a lot of questions about sizing, so I’d say that the leotard runs slightly small. Emma is 2.5 years old, but big for her age, and she’s wearing a size 2-4 here. That said, it just fits. She’ll likely be in the 4-6 in a couple of months.) / Ballet Slippers / Similar Hair Bows