OUTFIT #1: Sail to Sable Ric Rac Dress (Sold out, but newer style here! And love this one and this one.) / Straw Hat with White Ribbon / Navy Pumps / Similar Pearl Bracelet / Mitch’s Seersucker Suit Jacket and Pants / Mitch’s Khakis / Mitch’s Loafers / Mitch’s Bow Tie
OUTFIT #2: Similar Polka Dot Dress / Red Earrings / Red Tote / Similar Pearl Bracelet / Navy Pumps /Mitch’s Seersucker Suit Jacket and Pants / Mitch’s Loafers
OUTFIT #3: Vineyard Vines Derby Dress (Old, but see the whole Derby collection here!) / Newer Version of my Bow Hat / Similar Pearl Bracelet / Similar Striped Pumps / Similar Clutch / Mitch’s Performance Gingham Shirt / Mitch’s Khakis / Mitch’s Loafers / Mitch’s Bow Tie
Happy Derby Day, everyone!
I’ll be honest:
Mitch and I are skipping the Derby parties this year, and bringing Emma to Disney Junior Live instead. But NEXT YEAR, we’re totally there! We’re planning on attending the actual Derby with our Chicago friends because Shaheen and Trevor are moving back to Louisville, and hello! Best excuse to have a great weekend together. :)
Also, we have no idea how to tie a bow tie. Like, it’s getting embarrassing. I wouldn’t say that the need arrises often, but it arrises enough that it’s gotten to the point that we need to figure it out. Spending an hour in the bathroom before a big event with YouTube on our iPhones simply isn’t okay anymore! (Note that the bow tie’s print is upside down in these photos. DYING.)
Either way, we recently shot these photos for an Instagram collaboration, and thought they were too fun not to share today! Yes, it was approximately 15 degrees when we took the pics, but boy: was it fun pretending we were at the Derby in 80-degree weather. ;)
Hope everyone has a fun day!
Shop the post:
OUTFIT #1: Sail to Sable Ric Rac Dress (Sold out, but newer style here! And love this one and this one.) / Straw Hat with White Ribbon / Navy Pumps / Similar Pearl Bracelet / Mitch’s Seersucker Suit Jacket and Pants / Mitch’s Khakis / Mitch’s Loafers / Mitch’s Bow Tie
OUTFIT #2: Similar Polka Dot Dress / Red Earrings / Red Tote / Similar Pearl Bracelet / Navy Pumps /Mitch’s Seersucker Suit Jacket and Pants / Mitch’s Loafers
OUTFIT #3: Vineyard Vines Derby Dress (Old, but see the whole Derby collection here!) / Newer Version of my Bow Hat / Similar Pearl Bracelet / Similar Striped Pumps / Similar Clutch / Mitch’s Performance Gingham Shirt / Mitch’s Khakis / Mitch’s Loafers / Mitch’s Bow Tie