Marley Lilly Dress, Necklace and Earrings (c/o) / Kate Spade Sunglasses (Old, but love this similar pair by Tory Burch and this pair from Ray-Ban!) and Bangle (Old, but love this one!) / Jack Rogers / Vera Bradley Clutch (c/o)
There’s just about a month left before my next trip to the East Coast, and I’m counting down the days like whoa. This time, it’s for a very special occasion: my brother’s wedding.
As crazy as this sounds, I’ve never been to a family wedding before. I’m the oldest on both sides, and therefore first to experience most. So many firsts, when I think about it–from boyfriends, graduations, and moving out to full-time jobs, cohabitation (#stress), and marriage. Heck, I’m even the first to own a dog!
Being the oldest on both sides used to upset me. Why did I have to be the one to pave the way for my siblings and cousins? There were so many embarrassing instances from my adolescence and young adulthood that seemed to get publicized. Innocently so, of course. (My family was simply excited, and wanted to talk about the changes I was going through.) But for those who followed? Not as much. They had it easy. ;)
(Just kidding. Growing up is hard no matter what!)
Now, though, I realize that being the oldest is very special position to hold. I can provide guidance, advice and support to my siblings and cousins, and reassure them that everything will work out. Because it will.
Wait. I totally went off on a tangent.
I always do this.
What was I talking about?
Oh, yes. Patrick’s wedding.
I’m simultaneously over-the-moon with happiness and kind of shocked. (Still.) My little brother–who carried around a stuffed animal seal named “Seabert” for years (sorry, Patrick)–is getting married. WHAT?! And, I mean, I know that he and my youngest brother, Danny, probably felt the same way about my wedding, minus the whole Seabert thing. But this is a first for me. (Albeit not the first time one of us has watched a sibling tie the knot. #Huzzah! Streak broken?)
All of this said, I’m going to be a complete mess at the wedding. (The mother/son dance?! Seeing Patrick up on the alter?! Listening to Danny’s toast?! Tearing up now, haha. Mitch, we’re going to have to stuff your suit pockets with tissues.) Not only do I love my brother beyond belief, I also love his future wife and my soon-to-be sister. And I’m so excited for them.
I’m also so excited for summer dresses. Their wedding is on June 6th, which I’m considering to be the kickoff to summer. (June 21st, pshhhh.) While I’ll be in a bridesmaid dress on the big day and in a Lilly Pulitzer number for the rehearsal, this Marley Lilly dress from the brand’s adorable Monday Dress line will undoubtedly be in my suitcase for the trip. I love its sturdy yet lightweight cotton material, seasonal seashell print, intricate gold detailing around the neckline, and its price point. (How can you beat $49.99?!)
Anyway, check out the rest of the Monday Dress collection here, and feel free to share any memories associated with family weddings! I’m can’t believe I’m experiencing my first!