L.L. Bean Signature Monogrammed Dog Collar, Duvet Cover and Sheets, Dog Bed and Boatneck Shirt (c/o) / J.Crew Jeans and Pearl Earrings / Daniel Wellington Watch (Take 15 percent off with code “kellyinthecity15”)
I love sleeping late. It’s seriously one of my favorite pastimes. ;) Mitch, on the other hand, is an early riser–and often gets up at 6 a.m. on the weekends.
The nice thing, though, is that he always politely excuses himself from the bedroom and allows me to sleep in. Probably because I’m not exactly a joy to be around in the morning, haha, but I appreciate it.
And Noodle?
You’d think that she’d opt for the 6 a.m. wakeup. I mean, she’s a puppy, and puppies get up with the sun. But Girlfriend will sleep–and loudly snore–until 10 a.m. unless I drag her little paws out of her crate, which is next to our bed. And moan about it. It’s hysterical.
What can we say? We love our sleeps.
So when L.L.Bean Signature sent us the most gorgeous percale duvet cover as part of our Instagram Takeover, I knew a weekend morning photo shoot with Noodle was in order. We even went to bed early the night before to prepare ourselves!
Of course, getting a puppy to look at the camera is super difficult, as evidenced by Friday’s post. But I employed the help of my friend Cassandra–who’s basically a wizard (stolen catch phrase from Maya)–and I can’t get over the cuteness!

Dying, right?! We had so much fun, too. Love that Cassandra!
Anyway, let’s talk about the duvet cover. Because holy goodness; it’s amazing. Made of 220-thread-count cotton percale and “specially enzyme-washed,” it’s super soft yet smooth-, crisp- and clean-feeling at the same time. This sounds so weird and creepy, but I really wish there was a way for you guys to touch it. It’s the nicest material, and I swear it makes sleeping even more enjoyable. (Never thought it was possible!) And apparently, the duvet only gets softer and “more supple” after washing.
Noodle loves her bed, too. (The monogram?! I can’t even take it.) It’s typically next to my desk, so Noodle can nap and chew and cuddle with her stuffed animals while I work. Though, I must confess: I fell asleep with her on it last week. SO COMFY!
As for the collar, I have no words. Not only is it adorable, the “@noodleinthecity” monogram serves as an extra dog tag, don’t you think? Genius!
Hope you guys got to sleep in this morning. :) And remember: follow along with Noodle, Mitch and me on our Chicago adventures through the @llbeansignature Instagram account!
Photos by Cassandra Eldridge