Winner announced!
And the winner is…
Kelly Lynn!!
Hi, Friends! :)
A big thanks goes out to my partner in crime, Michael “Mitch” Larkin, for keeping this blog afloat over the last couple of days. (In case you missed it, he wrote the Portland post as well as “Three Funny Moments with Emma.” Mitch, I adore you. Thank you for being so supportive and helpful, not only when things get crazy but also during the normalcy of everyday life. I’ll never be able to express how lucky I feel to be your wife. I love our little existences together, and I love you.
Okay! Sorry. I’ll admit that I’m writing this at 3 a.m. Central Time. ;) But we’re in Portland with a couple of bottles of wine. We made it! And we’re just so happy to be here, and so happy to be celebrating Jess and Neal.
So in lieu of a traditional blog post, let’s go with a fun giveaway today. I’m giving away a gorgeous pair of earrings from Lisi Lerch, my favorite jewelry designer. To enter to win the earrings pictured above, simply comment in the comment section below with some congratulatory messages for Jess and Neal. Winner will be announced one week from today. <3 LOVE YOU, Jess and Neal! Congratulations!