Last-Minute Personalized Plaid Gifts

Mark & Graham Plaid Cape + Elisabetta Suede Bag

You can order Mark & Graham personalized gifts from now through Tuesday, December 18th with delivery for Christmas. (Note: if you’re on Central Time, the cutoff is 11 p.m., and if you’re on Pacific Time, the cutoff is 9 p.m.) You can also take 20 percent off your entire order with code “JOLLY.”

Heyyyyy, guys! 👋🏻

I hit pause on the blog this past weekend because man, life’s been kicking my butt lately. Long story short, it looks like I may have actually had the flu last week, which then turned into yet another sinus infection and simultaneous cases of laryngitis and pink eye. And really low blood pressure and a super high heart rate that have since resolved themselves or something?! Honestly, I think my brain shut off once the fourth ailment was listed. 😂

I’ll admit that there were some tears when I was in the thick of it on Saturday and my morning sickness just so happened to come back with a vengeance at that moment, too. But Emma was the sweetest and said, “Emma no go to the doctor anymore but Mommy need to go to feel better, okay? You will feel better, Mommy.” So I took my toddler’s advice and marched myself over to the walk-in clinic, where they rattled off the previously stated list of problems. Oy.

So many people have mentioned my weak immune system this past week, and I totally understand why! It seriously seems like I’m sick more often than I’m well. But here’s the thing: I’m relatively sure that this is my only non-sinus infection illness of the year! Literally everything else has been sinus-related, due to those horribly small sinus cavities. And while I can’t have the surgery right now on account of the pregnancy, I’ve met with an ENT to discuss options and I’m really excited about the prospect of fixing this in the coming year. It’s gone on too long, that’s for sure!

Needless to say, I’m taking things really, really slowly this week. I still have a bunch of projects to wrap up, but they’re very straightforward and not too time-intensive, so I think I’m going to be okay. Lots of rest is what the doctor ordered, though, so that’s coming first. :)

So… where are you guys on your Christmas shopping? I finally wrapped mine up last night, just in the nick of time since everything needs to be shipped to my parents’ or in-laws’ places. (We learned a couple of years ago that the Larkins cannot fly with gifts. Huge disaster, haha!)

If you still need to cross some people off your list, I have the BEST solution: Mark & Graham, the king of monogrammed gifts! You can order personalized gifts from now through Tuesday, December 18th with arrival by Christmas. (Note: if you’re on Central Time, the cutoff is 11 p.m., and if you’re on Pacific Time, the cutoff is 9 p.m.) You can also take 20 percent off your entire order with code “JOLLY.” All gifts come wrapped, too. Such a great deal, right?!

You might remember last week’s post on the Terminal 1 line of luggage. (Picking a winner for the giveaway today, btw. Be sure to enter before it’s too late!) Well, today is part II of that post. I’m talking about all things plaid, because come on: #60daysofplaid. ;)

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Here are my absolute favorites:

Plaid Stella Cape: Isn’t it darling?! I just used the word “darling” in a sentence. I blame the fever. ;) But really: I love it. Mitch and I got a babysitter last week because we were hosting a shopping party downtown, and we had a couple of hours to spare after the event was over so we grabbed lunch and then strolled through the Gold Coast neighborhood together to admire the Christmas decorations. I wore my cape, and I was stopped by three ladies asking me where it was from! (This might not seem like a lot, but Gold Coast residential streets aren’t exactly hopping mid-day. 😜) I didn’t have mine monogrammed, but Mark & Graham offers it if you’re interested! Also, the cape is meant to be generous, though I’d say to either order your normal size or one size down. I’m wearing a small here and it’s perfect. You kind of can’t go wrong, though, since it’s not meant to look fitted. :)

Plaid Dog Bed: WE GOT THIS FOR NOODLE! I’m hoping to take a photo of her on it tomorrow for Instagram, but I’ll post it on the blog soon. It’s SO CUTE. The only problem is that Emma wants it to be hers, and she’s constantly yelling at Noodle to get off the pillow so she can cuddle on it. But Noodle’s been a good sport about it. She’s definitely getting extra treats in her stocking this year.

Men’s Plaid PJ Pants: If you have anyone left on your list, it’s probably a guy. (Am I right?) They’re hard to buy for! I love these PJ pants because you can monogram ’em, which will make you look like you really tried and picked out his gift a long, long time ago. ;)

Tartan Throw Blanket: A throw blanket in a good tartan–at an affordable price–is nearly impossible to find these days. This blanket is fabulous, can be monogrammed, and comes in three different plaids. Also, it’s obviously one size fits all, so you don’t have to worry about getting someone’s size wrong!

Windowpane Scarf: This has yet to make its way on to the blog, but ob-sessed. I think this would make for a great gift for a mom, aunt, mother-in-law, grandmother, etc. Very classy.

Plaid Handkerchief: I gave my dad a handkerchief at my wedding, and he cherishes it. Yes, probably because I gave it to him on his daughter’s wedding day, but dads LOVE handkerchiefs, and you can put his initials on it.

Adult and Kids’ Tartan PJs: Emma has these and she’s so cute in them! Very much tempted to grab pairs for Mitch and me; how did I miss this originally?!

Okay. Now off you go! Finish up that list; you’ll feel so much more relaxed when you do. And don’t forget that you can order through Tuesday, December 18th with arrival by Christmas. (Note: if you’re on Central Time, the cutoff is 11 p.m., and if you’re on Pacific Time, the cutoff is 9 p.m.) You can also take 20 percent off your entire order with code “JOLLY.” And your whole order comes wrapped! SO EASY.

Over and out, Friends. Please send healthy vibes. :)

Kelly Larkin is featuring Mark & Graham Plaid Cape
Kelly Larkin is featuring Mark & Graham Plaid Cape + Elisabetta Suede Bag
Kelly Larkin is featuring Mark & Graham Plaid Cape + Elisabetta Suede Bag
Elisabetta Suede Bag
Mark & Graham Plaid Cape + Elisabetta Suede Bag

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Mark & Graham Plaid Cape + Elisabetta Suede Bag

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You can order Mark & Graham personalized gifts from now through Tuesday, December 18th with delivery for Christmas. (Note: if you’re on Central Time, the cutoff is 11 p.m., and if you’re on Pacific Time, the cutoff is 9 p.m.) You can also take 20 percent off your entire order with code “JOLLY.” This post was sponsored by Mark & Graham, but all opinions are my own. As always, thank you so, so much for supporting the partnerships that keep Kelly in the City up and running!