Chambray Ruffled Top / Rag & Bone Jeans (They’re an investment, but they’re the softest white jeans I’ve ever owned and they don’t stretch out. ALSO: Nordstrom is having a huge sale on Rag & Bone jeans. These are my favorite day-to-day jeans, and these bow-adorned jeans are everything. Definitely considering this pair because I’ve heard such great things! This pair looks great for day to day as well, and love this lighter wash.) / Sam Edelman Loafers / Clare V. Clutch (More affordable here and here. Other Clare V. styles here. The gingham and gold ones are my fave!) / Kendra Scott Bracelet c/o
It’s been a bit of a Struggle Week on the blog front. ;) I had all these grand plans for posts, but my days and nights filled up rather quickly, so I’m falling back on some outfits I’ve worn over the last couple of weeks because I like sleep. That said, I’ve been thinking a lot about how different people handle the whole “not enough sleep” thing. Because most people are in the same boat: there simply aren’t enough hours in the day to do everything we want/need to do, and therefore shuteye suffers. Of course, I know it’s important to get a solid amount… but sometimes, it’s just not possible. (For me, at least!) So what, I ask, do you do to get through your day when you haven’t clocked enough sleep?
Here’s what I do:
- I load up on coffee. Over my eight months of motherhood, I’ve become pretty dependent on it. I don’t necessarily need it to wake up; I more so need it to feel comforted and warm. My teeth are suffering, though. Gotta cut back!
- I dress cozy/comfy. I don’t know about you guys, but when I’m tired, I’m also uncomfortable and cold. If it were up to me, all clothing would be battery-powered and resemble an electric blanket. (I have one of those things. SO GREAT!) Soft jeans and loose tops for the win.
- I get fresh air. Being inside makes me want to snuggle up on the couch (or in bed!) and take a snooze. Walking around outside–especially when it’s a bit brisk–revives my energy levels.
- I play music. Jazz is my favorite when I’m feeling drowsy. I know: it’s not super upbeat. But it’s calming and it helps me maintain a positive outlook.
- I eat a hearty breakfast and lunch. SO helpful. More often than not, I’ll order from my favorite local sandwich shop, or if I’m working from a coffee shop, I’ll treat myself to a good lunch. I feel so much better once I’ve eaten and eaten well!
- I phone a friend. When my eyes start to feel heavy, I call someone I love chatting with–usually my mom or Jess. I’m the kind of person who gets pretty down and out when I’m tired, but Jess and Mom always know what to say in order to get me to “come back.” ;)
What do you do to survive when you don’t get enough sleep?!

Shop the post:
Chambray Ruffled Top / Rag & Bone Jeans (They’re an investment, but they’re the softest white jeans I’ve ever owned and they don’t stretch out. ALSO: Nordstrom is having a huge sale on Rag & Bone jeans. These are my favorite day-to-day jeans, and these bow-adorned jeans are everything. Definitely considering this pair because I’ve heard such great things! This pair looks great for day to day as well, and love this lighter wash.) / Sam Edelman Loafers / Clare V. Clutch (More affordable here and here. Other Clare V. styles here. The gingham and gold ones are my fave!) / Kendra Scott Bracelet c/o
Photos by Cassandra Eldridge (Thanks for keeping the blog up and running this week, Cassandra! xoxo!)