Dress: Leona (c/o) / Tote: C.Wonder (Old), newer versions here / Sandals: Jack Rogers / Sunnies: Kate Spade (Old), newer styles here / Earrings: J.Crew / Bracelets: Armed & Readi (c/o) and Kate Spade / Lipstick: Clinqiue (“Pudgy Peony”)
When the last bell rang on Thursday afternoon, Mitch and I headed down to the Boat Basin to celebrate the year’s end with some of our incredible coworkers. What can I say? These people truly have become my second family over the years. I really couldn’t have survived the “trenches” without them, and I’m forever grateful for their support, friendship and love. Sigh. More on all of this later, when I’m less emotional. ;)
Off to pack another box…