Shirt: J.Crew Factory (Old), similar here, here, here and here / Bag: C.Wonder (Old), similar here / Necklaces: J.Crew (Old), newer version here; and J.Crew (Old), similar here / Sweater: J.Crew (Old), newer colors here / Pumps: Franco Sarto (Sold out), similar here / Jeans: J.Crew (They also come in railroad stripe, dark resin, white, ecru, black, cla
It goes without saying that these photos weren’t taken this past weekend. They were snapped a few Saturdays ago on one of those lovely surprise 55-degree (dry) days. I’ve noticed–through running this blog–that I tend to end up in mostly J.Crew on the weekends, when things are a bit more laid-back. Wearing all J.Crew is something that bloggers really try to shy away from, but you know what?! Whatever. If it works, it works. I can’t meticulously plan every single day’s outfit. Well, I suppose I could, but then Mitch would kill me. I am one slow-moving girl on Saturdays and Sundays! ;)
But back to this past weekend. In the words of Tom Petty, “the last three days, the rain was unstoppable.” I’d normally complain about something like this, but I welcomed the rainy weather with open arms this time. On Friday night, Mitch and I had a relaxing date night at home. On Saturday, we hung around the apartment, went out briefly for coffee and cupcakes, got some chores done, and then repeated the whole stay-at-home date night thing. Lovely.
Today, I was super adventurous and actually left the apartment, haha. My mother is the best. Even though it was pouring, she met me in SoHo for brunch and a day of shopping. (We try to do this every month or two. Mother/daughter bonding!) We’re basically the best shopping buddies ever. We like to go nice and slow. (We may have spent over an hour in C.Wonder, for example.)Once we shopped ourselves out, we met Mitch and Shawn at Gatsby’s for drinks and dinner. It was the perfect–albeit a little soggy–day with my favorite lady. I love you so much, Mom!
Hope everyone had a great weekend! P.S. — These photos were last seen on The PDX Prepster. :)