Lou & Grey Sweatshirt c/o — Sold out, but nearly identical here! (25 percent $100+ orders and free shipping) / Converse Sneakers c/o / Louis Vuitton Tote (Buy here or here) / J.Crew Jeans / Old Navy Military Jacket c/o — FYI: mine is last year’s version, but I also love this one, this one, this one and this one… and check out my other favorites below! / Tory Burch Earrings (Also love these, part of Shopbop’s Spring Sale!) / Similar Bracelet / Similar Sunglasses
The Shopbop Spring Sale is on!
Use code “BIGEVENT16” for major savings and free shipping, and see my favorites here!
Posing–or trying not to pose–is one of the hardest parts of blogging for me. Many of my friends are absolutely amazing at it. They’re naturals, and look totally chic and normal in every single photo they take. Me, though? It’s such the struggle, and it usually takes a ton of snaps in order to get a handful of usable ones. (Like I’ve said before, I seriously look like a velociraptor in most “walking pics.”) I love setting up the shots and editing and everything else that comes along with the photography part of blogging, but being the subject is so difficult for me.
Which is really ironic, considering I run this site. ;) But I was thinking about how amateurish I am in front of the camera while my mom and I were taking these shots yesterday in Princeton, and I realized that I’ve never really talked at length about it on the blog before.
Without a doubt, I think my main problem is that I’ve fallen into a routine. Just look at yesterday’s post and compare it to today’s. Nearly identical, just with different clothing! Through repetition, I’ve naturally figured out what works for me, and then I go with it way too often. Another problem is that I haven’t put the time into identifying what other types of shots I’d like to include. And finally, I’m a bit lazy. Because I shoot on a near-daily basis, shooting isn’t always exciting. Don’t get me wrong: often it’s SUPER exciting, and I’m totally in love with the lighting or the backdrop or the outfit. (I loved shooting this outfit last week, for example.) But other times, it’s really just a day-to-day life shoot, or I just want to do it quickly. Like, maybe I’m having a really great day with my mom and don’t want to stop shopping. Or maybe I have a long to-do list, and I want to get back to work. Or maybe I’m hungry, haha. And that’s when you start to see the oh-so-typical Kelly poses.
It’s kind of like “write about what you know.” Not the best advice, in my opinion. Maybe “write about what you know and take some chances and write about what you like, too.” That’s better. ;) Though definitely less eloquent…
Similarly, I think it’s about time I started taking some chances. It’s time to build a Pinterest board for inspiration (are we friends yet?!), and it’s time to put more effort (and minutes) into shoots. It’s also time to get excited again. While I’ve been doing this for a few years now, every shoot gives me the opportunity to be creative and express myself–to some degree, at least. Let’s start taking advantage of it, Kelly!
Nevertheless, here’s the story behind this super quick shoot:
I was hungry.
Yep, that’s it, haha. My mind was on pizza, and getting it as quickly as I possibly could, but I also wanted to take photos in Princeton’s Palmer Square–where we were spending the day–before the sun went down.
But GUYS: the pizza. It was so good. ;)
If you’re a blogger or simply enjoy taking photos, what do you do to mix it up during shoots? I’d love to hear!
Anyway, being home has been amazing. Yesterday was my first day, and since I was a bit groggy from the previous late night, so I dressed super comfy for a day with mom in town. My Converse Shorelines are always a go-to for take-it-easy days, but I only recently broke them out again, as I really can’t do bare ankles in weather under 35 degrees or so. So nice to have ’em back!
Another comfort obsession is pretty much anything from Lou & Grey. (Favorites above.) Everything is crazily soft, and it all fits like a dream. Have you seen the Alana Hadid x Lou & Grey collection? So cool. (My sweatshirt is a part of that line! It’s sold out, but I love this very similar one, too.) Oh! And there’s an actual Lou & Grey store in the Southport Corridor of Chicago, and it’s ah-maz-ing. If you live in the city, you definitely need to check it out!
And I’ve clearly been wearing my military jacket a LOT. Funny how it sat in my closet, unloved, for nearly a year, and now I’m obsessed with it. My jacket is last year’s version of this one, but I also love this one, this one, this one and this one. Check out my other faves above!
Today, I’m hoping to get a little more dressed up, as Mom and I are going furniture shopping–flooring actually being installed in the Chicago house this weekend!–and then we’re headed back to Princeton for a family dinner. But it’s supposed to snow, so we’ll see!
(Seriously, am I the real-life Elsa or something? The cold follows me wherever I go. Yet, the cold always bothered me, so… yeah. We’re different.)
A big “break a leg” goes out to my brother today, too. Love you, Danny. :)

Shop the Post:
Lou & Grey Sweatshirt c/o — Sold out, but nearly identical here! (25 percent $100+ orders and free shipping) / Converse Sneakers c/o / Louis Vuitton Tote (Buy here or here) / J.Crew Jeans / Old Navy Military Jacket c/o — FYI: mine is last year’s version, but I also love this one, this one, this one and this one… and check out my other favorites below! / Tory Burch Earrings (Also love these, part of Shopbop’s Spring Sale!) / Similar Bracelet / Similar Sunglasses
The Shopbop Spring Sale is on!
Use code “BIGEVENT16” for major savings and free shipping, and see my favorites here!