Mitch here!
Yes. It’s mid-February and Halloween was obviously back in October. But Noodle’s had it ruff this year and she’s been hounding me to have some pun with this blog. Noodle is a big wiener in my book, so I took time to paws, reflect and get her off my tail, fur goodness sake.
Here’s the deal: I forgot to publish this post in a timely manner. But on Halloween, we dressed pawsh and headed to Wicker Bark for the annual Halloweenie Walk Parade. It’s a loooong story but we put this walking pun on a bun in the only way we knew how: Chicago-style!
I thought she looked fetching.
Okay, I promise no more dachshund puns for the rest of the post. First off, big shout out to Chicago Dachshund Lovers who organized the parade and Kevin at WGN for putting together this pawsome (sorry!) segment.
Getting the family out the door and on time to this parade is the most impressive parenting thing I’ve done in a while, not to brag or anything. Getting two kids in unicorn costumes is no easy feat.
I have to hand (paw?) it to Noodle here, who slipped right into her hot dog costume and didn’t bite it off even once. Noodle is six years old now and has really fallen into her role as the easiest member of our family. She’s a super social dog, which makes gatherings like this tough during a pandemic. But she did her best to socially distance and sniff the other dogs while remaining six feet apart. Jokes.
We saw some seriously impressive dachshund costumes while on the walk, including a bull rider, several tacos, sushi, school buses, a zepplin, and just an incredible number of hot dogs. It was honestly hilarious. This was our first organized wiener dog social event, and I can’t believe I’m about to say this, but I hope it’s not the last.
Anyway, I think what I enjoyed most were the hilarious looks we got from the cool indie WP kids as fifty dachshunds and their dorky owners paraded past them. We took a few pictures for pawsterity, and I’m not barking up the wrong tree to say that we were the big wieners of Halloween this year.
Sorry. Couldn’t resist. Please enjoy these snaps!
Mitch. OUT!