Over the last year, I’ve learned a lot about the tools I need in order to be successful while self-employed. Of course, there’s my computer. (Which I recently learned needs to be replaced. Insert distressed emoji face.) And then there’s my camera. And cell phone.
Right up there are my headphones, though. I’m the girl who works best while music is BLASTING in the background. But here’s the thing: a lot of people (including Mitch) find that really, really annoying, haha.
Enter my Sound Intone 165 Stereo Foldable Headphones.
When I put them on, I’m in my zone. I’m completely focused on the tasks I need to accomplish, and my productivity goes through the roof. I plug them into our desktop when I need to tune out whatever sports are on (love you, Mitch!), or into our laptop when I’m working in coffee shops. I love that they’re foldable and therefore easily transported in my tote; that I don’t have to take my earrings off to put ’em on; that they have a pretty gold-and-white design; that the remote and microphone are compatible with iPhone and Android; that they sound incredible; and that they’re completely affordable. (Right now, they’re on sale from $50.00 for $16.99!) Anyone else lose headphones like it’s her job?!
So today, I’m teaming up with Sound Intone and giving away three sets of 165 Stereo Foldable Headphones. :) To enter, all you have to do is comment below with why good headphones are so important to you!
Winners will be announced on Tuesday. Good luck!
PS — Navy dresser/buffet is by the amazing MegMade. Feature to come soon!