Oversized Jean Jacket / RAILS Shirt / Leather Tote (Newer) / Faux Leather Leggings / Loafers / Sunglasses
Well, whaddaya know?! I’m 37 today. In some ways, the number feels crazy. Name nearly any chapter of life, and I instantly transport myself back to that time, the imagery and colors so vivid I feel like it was just yesterday.
My family often jokes that I have a freakish ability to recall details from the past. A few years ago, I directed Mitch without a map through a Sacramento subdivision to a home I’d left when I was the ripe age of two. He claimed sorcery. 😜 Sadly, this skill never translated to anything actually useful; heck, I still can’t remember my times tables.
But I digress! Today Mitch and I are sitting down and sharing 37 lessons we’ve personally learned in our 37 years, because Mitch turns also 37 on Monday! ♥️ These don’t apply to everyone, and per usual, they’re just what first came to mind. (So we definitely missed some obvious ones. 😆) Nonetheless…
- Family first, always.
- If your husband is in the middle of crashing the car, do not start screaming about a spider.
- Each life stage is better than the last.
- Don’t miss your kids’ childhoods. They’re short.
- Music has healing powers.
- Life is better with a dachshund.
- Date nights should be prioritized—especially when little kids are on the scene.
- Daily walks put everything in perspective. So does pizza. And a good night’s sleep.
- Traveling less can often mean traveling better.
- There will come times in life when the focus of conversation is poop. It’s fine. Everybody poops.
- Forgive others; forgive yourself.
- Life can change in a moment’s notice. Things can always get better.
- Stand up for what’s right.
- Order the cheese on the burger. (Thanks, Tara.)
- Deciding who to spend life with is the biggest and most important decision a person will ever make. Choose wisely. (Thanks, Dad.)
- Listen to what the likeminded say, but also what people on the other side of the spectrum—and those who fall elsewhere—say. And then think for yourself.
- No one knows why, but covering your bed with as many decorative pillows as humanly possible results in a better night’s rest. Even if you’re not allowed to sleep on them.
- Compound interest is a man/woman’s best friend.
- Read and learn—for yourself.
- Skincare is important. But it’s also important to remember that wrinkles are evidence of years of laughter and love.
- Find a hobby that makes your insides light up.
- Visit the past, but don’t live there.
- Teach kindness and goodness by example.
- Family and friends make life full. Make the time.
- Tidiness can mean clarity, but messes can mean fun. Find a balance. And try to clean up before bed.
- Everyone loves a good dad joke.
- There are tons of ways to give back. Pick one that works with your current life stage, and don’t advertise it.
- Get to know the USPS, UPS and/or FedEx delivery people. Their kindness and friendship will warm your heart every day.
- Inspiration comes and goes. When it comes, lean into it. When it doesn’t, remember that it’ll be back.
- Don’t be afraid of a big move. You can always go home.
- Call your parents and grandparents.
- Live in New York City at least once. And I guess wear the darn sunscreen.
- Buy redundant remote controls. They won’t seem so redundant once the original goes missing.
- Family Movie Nights are where some of the best memories are made.
- Disconnect on a regular basis, for both short and long periods of time.
- Hug, kiss and say “I love you” often.
- There’s always money in the banana stand.
Thanks for following us this year. We love you!