Julie Brown Designs Dress c/o / Kendra Scott Necklace c/o (Part of the new Mystic Bazaar Collection… Similar here!) / J.Crew Straw Hat (c/o Chandon), Bracelet and Earrings / Kate Spade Sunglasses (Old, but love this pair from Tory Burch–on sale as part of Nordstrom’s Early Access Anniversary Sale!)
My favorite time of day to hit up the beach is around twilight. My Irish skin doesn’t have to worry about burning, and I love watching the dolphins jump through the waves as the sky turns shades of pink, purple and blue. My family makes a circle with beach chairs, and we dig our toes into the cool sand and laugh and have a few. ;) (Chandon, thanks for making this particular night–when Uncle Sully came to visit–extra special!) And now that we have Noodle, we watch her swim through the surf, dig holes and chase seagulls. It’s hilarious.
It goes without saying that leaving Ocean City is difficult. It always is. It’s hard for me to leave my family, and leave a place that holds so many happy memories. And it’s REALLY hard to endure the stupid drive, haha. But I’m also pretty lucky to be going back to such an amazing city where I have this great life with Mitch and so many wonderful girlfriends. And I miss all that when I’m away.
So it’s back to Chicago for a few weeks! So excited for what’s to come.
And there’s so much to come. ;)

Sometimes, when Mitch is taking my photos, he puts on my accessories and takes a selfie. (Dying.)

(Because I can’t share this photo enough.)