White House Black Market Fur Vest c/o / Stuart Weitzman Boots c/o (Also available here and here in different colors. Sizing help: I’ve read some reviews that have recommmended going down a half size, but the boots run TTS in my opinion. I normally wear a size 7.5 in boots, and took a size 7.5 in these, too.) / Hudson Jeans / LOFT Sweater (Want this sweater in every color, haha. SO soft and cozy! Sizing: I’d go one size up for a cozier look.) / Kendra Scott Necklace c/o
[dropcap]H[/dropcap]oly goodness, guys. I’m struggling to get back into the swing of things. Somehow, that pesky sinus infection is STILL here–looks like I’m headed back to the doctor–and the house is a complete disaster from construction that occurred while we were away. (A huge thank you to my neighbor Juli for letting in the contractors every day!) I’m drowning in correspondence from ovr the holidays, and the assignments are piling up. I’m not sure how it’s possible feel overwhelmed one week into the new year, but I’m somehow managed to do it. ;)
Recently, I wrote about scaling back, and I’m trying to remind myself that it’s okay to not have it “all together” every day. I spent a lot of time in 2015 convincing myself that order and structure were just around the corner, and because of this, I was in a constant state of discontent, always thinking about better days to come. But I’m beginning to understand that my life is probably never going to be characterized by “order” and “structure.” It’s just not the life I’ve chosen. :)
I’m beginning to understand that my life is probably never going to be characterized by “order” and “structure.” It’s just not the life I’ve chosen.
So this year, I’m vowing to work hard to maintain some sense of organization, but to not let it get to me when it doesn’t work out. It’s okay to work from bed for a day, like I am now, or to get blog posts up extremely late because I have other, more pressing stuff due. It’s okay if the house needs a deep cleaning and I can’t get to it for a few days. It’s okay if my e-mail inbox is at capacity, and I need to buy more storage space to accommodate its craziness. (Though, really: 50,247 emails is a bit much, wouldn’t you say? Perhaps I should just shut down the account and start over, haha.)
I’m also trying to remind myself that I’m probably not the only one who feels like she can never catch up. Even the most put-together-looking girls, I’ve learned, can otherwise be a complete mess!
So hello, 2016. You are the year of acceptance. :)
Side note: Ahhhh, winter. It’s back to photo shoots at night in the cold!