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Pottery Barn Kids Crib, Dresser, Bookshelf and Play Kitchen / Pink Rug (Also love this one!) / Giraffe, Chicago Skyline, Seal and “Twinkle Twinkle” Prints c/o Minted / Pottery Barn Kids Crib Skirt, Changing Pad Cover, Quilt, Lowercase Letters / HomeGoods Laundry Basket
Mitch here!
Is it strange that I make feature-length videos of my kid on her birthday? Probs. But I really like doing it. So here we are!
If I learned anything from editing this video–aside from how destructive 100 gigabytes of 4k video can be to a laptop–it’s just how much can change in a year. In the below video, you’ll see Emma taking her first steps and learning to talk. You’ll also notice that she’s a complete goofball from an early age, and you’ll probably see how our house goes from “spick and span” to “complete disaster” within 12 short months. And if you watch closely, you’ll likely realize just how lucky this guy is.
I spend my days with my two favorite people, and I was there as my baby slowly became a kid. Editing this video took weeks, and Kelly kept catching me in these nostalgic daydreams–laughing at or crying over this random stuff I caught on video. I actually forgot about Emma’s turkey voice, and that week when she’d only say “Mommy.” And I haven’t thought about “Pop-Pop-Boat” in ages.
I’m glad I did this.
Shoutout to those Kelly in the City readers who made it through all 47 minutes of Emma’s first year video. We just watched it for the first time in a while and it’s a doozy.
Emma, we’re sorry you hated most of your birthday presents this year. (She literally tries to re-wrap the “Little Mermaid” doll in the video, and she flat out refuses to even consider sitting on her pink bike.) But if the two-week birthday celebration we just concluded wasn’t enough–she still sings “Happy Birthday” to herself all day–I hope this video makes up the difference. ;)
Happy Birthday Nemma-Nems! I can’t wait for our third year together. We love you.