Hush Puppies Booties c/o (They’re insanely comfy! Couldn’t recommend them more!)/ Blank NYC Cords (Old, similar here) / Lands’ End Scarf c/o — See my favorite LE scarves below! / J.Crew Top and Bracelet (Old, but love this one and this one. And J.Crew is offering 30 percent off and free shipping today with code “DAYTHREE”! Anyone else in love with this navy striped turtleneck?) / Moon and Lola Earrings c/o (On sale!) / Louis Vuitton Tote (Here, here or here — I have the “MM” style.)
Because most of my clothing is stuck downstairs in the disaster zone–and because the season calls for it–I’ve been relying on staples lately, and wearing different versions of the same outfit on repeat. But, I mean, who doesn’t want to wear cords, comfy booties, a loose top and a cozy scarf every day?! ;)
My favorite scarves, by the way, are from Lands’ End. They’re reasonable, well-made, and you can take 20 to 30 percent off ’em today with code “THRILLED” and pin “5800.” Shop my favorites above!
Anyway, Mitch and I–much like my wardrobe–have fallen into a great routine for autumn. I mentioned this yesterday, but we’ve been walking so much. The air is crisp, the pub deals are plentiful, and the colors are vibrant. Never have I been more in love with our neighborhood, and never have I felt so lucky to be a part of it.
As clichéd as this is, I’m excited for bonfires at the lake, marled boot socks, spiced coffees, puffer vests, pumpkin carving, scented candles, photographing the changing leaves, “watching” football with the windows open, and decorating the house for fall. And, of course, many more walks. :)