Cyber Monday is tomorrow, guys! This year, my eyes are on the Gap, as you can take 40 percent off your whole order with the code “CYBER.” I’m so getting these fair isle sweater leggings. (Too cute, right?!) This girl is not ready for her first Chicago winter, haha! Above are some of my other faves from the Gap.
Oh! The code “CYBER” also works at Old Navy and Banana Republic. (Score!) Piperlime has a huge promotion going on, too. You can take 30 percent off site-wide and 40 percent off sale items with code “CYBERSALE.” :)

The best part? I can nab all the items on my Gap Wish List if I win the Cyber Monday Sweepstakes. Enter for a shot at daily instant prizes and a $5,000 grand prize. You can also score major savings while you play. And sure to check out other Cyber Monday savings articles on The Good Stuff,’s online magazine.
Good luck!