Men’s Shep Shirt / Women’s Shep Shirt (I recommend going one size up in women’s.) / Kids’ Shep Shirt (How cute is the gingham one?!) / Whale Leggings (Available in more sizes here.) / White Hat / Breakers Shorts
Use code “FRIENDS2018” to take 25 percent off the Vineyard Vines site today only!
I’d been saving this post because I felt like I’d overloaded you guys with summer travel content… and then boom, somehow it’s October, and I’m just getting it up now?! Killin’ it over here, guys. 😂
Still, it kind of comes at the perfect time, as nearly everything we’re wearing in these photos are part of the big Vineyard Vines Friends & Family Sale that ends today. (Take 25 percent off almost everything with code “FRIENDS2018.”) I’ve included some favorites below, but it’s a great opportunity to stock up for upcoming vacations, next summer, and this fall because in-season merchandise is included, too!
Anyway, Vineyard Vines invited the Larkin Family to Martha’s Vineyard to celebrate the brand’s 20th anniversary this past summer, and it was incredible. To be as transparent as possible, it was not a paid trip, but the brand covered all expenses and provided us with VV clothing. Their only request was that we post on Instagram daily, but I obviously wanted to share the trip on the blog as well! (How could I not?!)
The families behind two other blogs–Top Flight Family and The Effortless Chic–also came, which was so nice for everyone. We’d never met them before, but we all instantly clicked. (Carmen and Serge have two daughters, Sean and Ella… and Jen and Aaron have two daughters, Parker and Ever.) I know: five little girls. A pure coincidence, but let’s just say that they were in heaven. So much running and hugging and laughing… and so many adorable outfits. ;)
Why Martha’s Vineyard?
Vineyard Vines got its start there, as the name suggests. Founders and brothers Shep and Ian spent their summers on the island, and they would joke that they endured nine months of the year to “live the Good Life” on the Vineyard for three. In 1998, the brothers were both working desk jobs that they loathed, so they up and quit (within 10 minutes of each other!) and started chasing the American Dream. Amazing how far they’ve come, right?! It’s certainly inspiring.
Vineyard Vines has held a special place in my heart for a long, long time. I grew up visiting my aunt, uncle and cousins at their home on Nantucket, which is a short ferry ride away from Martha’s Vineyard. And in so many of the summertime photos from my childhood, we were all clad in pink whales. I know it’s just a brand and this might sound a little silly, but for me, it represents family, togetherness, and good times–which, I presume, is exactly what Shep and Ian were going when they founded the company. (Several of my cousins also worked at the Nantucket store in their teen years, too!)
So yeah: this is very long-winded introduction, haha, but I’m so excited take you along on the trip, and share where we stayed, what we did, what we wore, and where we ate. Let’s get started, shall we?

Vineyard Vines Tote Bag (Also love this one and this one! And this is the mini tote that Emma carried. The cutest.) / Harbor Shirt (So great for travel. Here’s the coverup version, which I also have and love.) / Rag & Bone Jeans (On sale!) / Jack Rogers (On MAJOR sale!) / Emma’s dress is old from Vineyard Vines, but you can check out newer girls’ dresses here.
Getting There
In case you’re new here, the Larkin Family had some terrible travel luck this past summer. Over the course of three months, we experienced dozens of delayed and cancelled flights… even though we flew with multiple different airlines! (Different reasons for the delays/cancellations almost every time, too.) Heck, we got stranded in D.C. for THREE DAYS–without luggage–at one point.
Because of this, Mitch and I decided to fly out one day early, just in case. And lo! Our outbound Chicago flight was delayed and we missed our connection in New York as a result. Such planners, we are! But boy, did we try to make that connection. The crew on our first flight helped unload off the back of the plane to speed things up, and they rushed the stroller to us from gate check. And then we sprinted–“Home Alone”-style with Emma on my hip because there was no time to set up said stroller–through JFK from one terminal to the next. We arrived just as the Vineyard-bound plane was pulling away from the jetway.
I won’t lie: my eyes were brimming with tears as we watched it go. While we’ve gotten a lot better with it, traveling with a toddler is difficult, and I think I was just so frustrated from those dozens of other delayed and cancelled flights… and tired from that 4 a.m. wakeup call. (Emma had also thrown up in my hair during the sprint.) In the end, though, Jet Blue felt badly for us and they put us up in a nearby hotel in Queens. They also pulled some strings to return our bags to us, which was so nice.
And can I tell you?
We actually had the best night. We grabbed dinner at a local diner, where everyone seemed to know everyone. It was like something out of a movie. Toward the end of our meal, the staff and patrons sang happy birthday to Emma in thick New York accents, and I couldn’t help but think that these are the moments that make up life. It’s not about luxurious vacations… although those are nice, too. ;) It’s about that time you got stuck in Queens and laughed over chicken parm sandwiches and bad wine and met the nicest characters and had an impromptu birthday celebration for your almost two-year-old with a huge slice of chocolate cake. Phew. Know what I mean, though?
The next morning, things went off without a hitch. We missed a little bit of day 1, but arrived right in the middle of the first activity: lunch, drinks and swimming at the pool!

Vineyard Vines Tote Bag (Also love this one and this one! And this is the mini tote that Emma carried. The cutest.) / Other Vineyard Vines Goodies
The Accommodations
We stayed at the Winnetu in Edgartown, and it was, by far, the nicest resort we’ve ever visited. My photos don’t do it justice, but here are more from the hotel’s website! We seriously loved every single second of it, and I wish we could have stayed longer. We actually said several times that had we known how much we were going to love it, we probably would have extended our trip a few days! Again: loved. every. second.
The resort is owned by the nicest couple who also own The Nantucket Hotel + Resort, and let me tell you: they are good at what they do. They’ve thought of everything, and the grounds are absolutely perfect. The Winnetu offers one- and multi-bedroom suites as well as cottages and private homes, all of which are gorgeous. We stayed in a suite to make things extra easy, and it couldn’t have worked out better. Emma slept in the living room “suite” area in a hotel crib–so nice that we didn’t have to travel with the pack n’ play!–and we slept in the bedroom. The kitchenette was super helpful, too.
I’m often asked what Mitch and I do at night while we’re on vacation, since toddlers have early bedtimes. And it’s such a good question! When we’re traveling, we usually push Emma’s bedtime to around 9 p.m. because she’s a magic toddler who does sleep in when she stays up later. (We know that this isn’t common, and feel SO lucky!) That said, 9 p.m. is a pretty early for “lights out” when you’re an adult. This is why we try our hardest to stay in suites or hotel rooms that have balconies. They’re normally a little more expensive, but they always make the trip for us. We simply justify it by remembering that we’re saving the money we used to spend on nightlife before we were parents.
The Winnetu has the best balconies.
They overlook the beautiful grounds, and you can see and hear the ocean in the distance. The best part? The Vineyard Vines team came and hung out on our balcony every night to keep us company. Isn’t that so sweet?! It was awesome getting to know them, and this only made my love for VV grow. :) Thanks, guys! You’re so fun!
Oh, and I should probably mention that we shared a balcony with actor Steve Carrel. (“Michael” from “The Office.”) I KNOW. There was a divider between us, so it’s not like we were hanging with him while out there. (We couldn’t see each other at all.) But it was a very surreal experience to say the least! We bumped into him constantly, too–at breakfast, at the pool, in town–and at one point, he told us that Emma was cute. To which I responded, “Thanks, Michael!” (Moment ruined, haha.)
Back to the Winnetu, though. There’s just so much to do! And while it’s perfect for couples, it’s really incredible for families. Family-friendly hotels are difficult to find, and the Winnetu simply knocks it out of the park. I mean, there are day and evening programs for toddlers, children and teens–allowing parents a few hours of alone time. (Emma ADORES programs, but she’s normally too young to qualify for ’em. This was such a pleasant surprise!) And while we didn’t utilize it, the hotel also offers babysitting services.
The Winnetu also offers tons of stuff you can do with your kids. ;)
Activities and amenities include antique fire truck rides, foosball, ping pong, educational visits to Katama Farm, life-sized outdoor chess games, a pirate-themed playground, basketball, an awesome fitness center, heated swimming pools, a turtle pond, fire pit s’mores, lemonade and cookie hour, bike rentals, ladder golf and corn hole. The resort is just steps away from its own private beach, and there’s a weekly CLAMBAKE, which is really like a mini wedding. More on that below!
It’s no wonder that the Winnetu was rated one of the best baby-friendly resorts for new parents by “Trips to Discover,” and one of the top resorts for families with pre-schoolers by “Frommer’s.”
I should also note that we didn’t need a car while staying at the Winnetu. The resort offers a complimentary shuttle into and around town, and it departed frequently. They even hooked us up with a car seat! Finally, there’s this thing called the “Beach Survival Kit,” which allows families to travel light. So appreciated.
In short, I can’t recommend the Winnetu more. We’ll definitely be going back. :)

Emma’s Tankini / My One-Piece (Old, but you can check out newer Vineyard Vines Swim + Coverups here!) / Mitch’s Swim Trunks / Pink Hat / Towels / Mitch’s Pink Polo
The pool
This was our first activity of the trip! We were introduced to the other families, ate lunch together, and then swam for about an hour. Emma LOVED it. I’m not sure if you can tell from the photos, but there’s a shallower part of the pool that’s sectioned off from the rest of it, and it’s perfect for young kids. Since it’s no more than a couple of feet, it gave Emma a ton of extra confidence… and it gave us peace of mind! Genius idea.

Vineyard Vines Seersucker Tie-Front Dress (Here it is in blue.) / Mitch’s Shorts and Gingham Button-Down / Emma’s Shorts and Polo / Jack Rogers (On MAJOR sale!) / Emma’s Jack Rogers (Only $20!)
Homeport Restaurant in Chilmark
This was probably my favorite dining experience during our time on Martha’s Vineyard, and it’s a must-go if you ever find yourself on the island. Completely casual and down-to-earth, we had the most wonderful seafood. Think: lobster rolls, full lobsters, steamed clams… all my favorites! I’ve never seen Mitch so happy. 🙈 Afterwards, we poked our heads out to grab ice cream and walk around. That’s when most of the above photos were taken!

Bow Back Dress / Emma’s Patchwork Dress (Also available here.) / Mitch’s Breakers Shorts and Gingham Shirt / Vineyard Vines Tote Bag (Also love this one and this one! And this is the mini tote that Emma carried. The cutest.) / Jack Rogers (On MAJOR sale!) / Emma’s Jack Rogers (Only $20!)
Meeting Shep and Ian… and the whale
Oh my GOSH, guys. I thought Emma was going to love meeting the Vineyard Vines logo, but not so much. 😂 She was totally convinced that he was going to eat her, so we really had to keep our distance while visiting the brand’s stunning Edgartown store. Emma did, however, enjoy meeting founders Shep and Ian, probably they lacked giant tails. ;) It was so nice of them to stop over!
We sat the group photo out, but at the very end, Emma seemed to warm up to the whale, and we even managed to take a family pic. I love that she’s giving him the evil eye in it. Kills me!
After the whale left, Emma was spent, so she stretched out on the couch. Typical Larkin.

Bow Back Dress / Emma’s Patchwork Dress (Also available here.) / Mitch’s Breakers Shorts and Gingham Shirt / Vineyard Vines Tote Bag (Also love this one and this one! And this is the mini tote that Emma carried. The cutest.) / Jack Rogers (On MAJOR sale!) / Emma’s Jack Rogers (Only $20!)
Quick outfit shoot
It’s funny that we did this, considering how many photos of these outfits we ended up with. (Vineyard Vines actually brought their awesome in-house photography team, Jacob and Erick, who handled everything–even iPhone shots!–so we could really enjoy being with our families. Unbelievably thoughtful.) But it was during this shoot that Steve Carrel said Emma was cute… so there’s that. ;)

Lunch at Seafood Shanty
I ate a lot of lobster while on this trip. But “when in Rome,” right?! This was such a great spot. Situated right on the water on the edge of Edgartown, it’s a family-friendly, low-key spot that shouldn’t be missed, especially if you’re a sucker for outdoor seating. The food is delicious, too!

Bow Back Dress / Denim Jacket / Emma’s Patchwork Dress (Also available here.) / Mitch’s Breakers Shorts and Gingham Shirt / Vineyard Vines Tote Bag (Also love this one and this one! And this is the mini tote that Emma carried. The cutest.) / Jack Rogers (On MAJOR sale!) / Emma’s Jack Rogers (Only $20!)
Boat ride back to the Winnetu
This was a surprise! We thought we’d be shuttling back to the resort after lunch, but we took one of the Vineyard Vines boats instead. I wish you could have seen Emma. She tried to count all the boats in the harbor, and kept screaming “ANOTHER BOAT! ANOTHER BOAT!” and covering her mouth in shock. I guess we need to get her out of the city more often. 😉 The girls were in fits of giggles.

Bow Back Dress / Denim Jacket / Emma’s Patchwork Dress (Also available here.) / Mitch’s Breakers Shorts and Gingham Shirt / Vineyard Vines Tote Bag (Also love this one and this one! And this is the mini tote that Emma carried. The cutest.) / Jack Rogers (On MAJOR sale!) / Emma’s Jack Rogers (Only $20!)
Antique fire truck ride
Another surprise, and such a great activity for families. The antique fire truck picked us up from the dock, and we all piled into the back, and the girls took turns ringing the bell. (This is something you can do if you stay at the Winnetu, btw!) It delivered us straight to the resort. Emma’s really into trucks right now, so this was wonderful for her!
Men’s Shep Shirt / Women’s Shep Shirt (I recommend going one size up in women’s.) / Kids’ Shep Shirt (How cute is the gingham one?!) / Whale Leggings (Available in more sizes here.) / White Hat / Breakers Shorts / Parker’s Sweater / BeachMate Set
Beach night
This was a favorite part of the trip. After the girls napped, we all headed down to the Winnetu’s beach and played in the sand until the sun started to set. Vineyard Vines gave all the kids these BeachMate sets, which they adored. The thing comes with shovels and sand castle pails, but it also functions as a cooler for adults. Ding ding ding! Best beach accessory ever.

Vineyard Vines Maxi Dress / Emma’s Shift Dress (Also on the VV site.) / Mitch’s Pink Polo and Breakers Shorts / Jack Rogers (On MAJOR sale!) / Emma’s Jack Rogers (Only $20!) / Ella’s Gingham Shirt / Parker’s Sweater
This alone should be the reason you book a trip to the Winnetu! As I mentioned before, it was seriously like a mini wedding. The seafood and drinks were flowing, there was an a capella singing group, the dessert was heavenly, and the games kept the kids amused for SO long. It was just one of those experiences you never forget.
This, by the way, is when I gave up on my hair. The humidity was insane while we were on the Vineyard, and even worse when we got to Nantucket… and I was tired of battling my locks with the straightening brush, only to wind up frizzy the moment I stepped outside. So I embraced the frizz and looked like a hot mess… and loved every minute of it!

Gingham Version of my Tunic Dress / Emma’s Gingham Shirt / Jack Rogers (On MAJOR sale!) / Emma’s Jack Rogers (Only $20!) / Mitch’s Fishing Shirt
Afternoon in Edgartown
We spent a few hours in Edgartown before we left, and it was great. We grabbed lunch at Atlantic, which also overlooked the water, and then got ice cream somewhere but I can’t remember the name. 😜 I can’t even tell you how sad we were to leave, but it was nice knowing we were headed to see our family next!

Gingham Version of my Tunic Dress / Emma’s Gingham Shirt / Jack Rogers (On MAJOR sale!) / Emma’s Jack Rogers (Only $20!) / Mitch’s Fishing Shirt / Denim Jacket / Vineyard Vines Tote Bag (Also love this one and this one! And this is the mini tote that Emma carried. The cutest.) / Whale Leggings (Available in more sizes here.) / Matching Shep Shirt / Seersucker Tie-Front Dress (Here it is in blue.) / BeachMate Set / Girls’ Bathing Suits / Mitch’s Swim Trunks / White Hat / Towels / Mitch’s Navy Polo / Seersucker Coverup
Ferry to Nantucket
Nantucket is only a quick ferry ride away from the Vineyard, so we island-hopped over to ACK to spend a few days with my family and celebrate my cousin’s birthday. What a treat! I feel like I covered that pretty heavily on the blog back in July/August, but I’ve included pics of us in our VV gear on Nantucket above. :)

Thank you
A huge thank you goes out to Vineyard Vines and the Winnetu for having us! We are honored that you included the Larkin Family, and we’re so grateful for everything you did to make it a once-in-a-lifetime, will-always-remember-it kind of trip. (Special thanks to Nicole, Annie, Erick and Jacob. Rockstars!) We treasure these memories.
Happy 20th, Vineyard Vines… and Winnetu, we’ll be back! <3
Remember to use code “FRIENDS2018” to take 25 percent off the Vineyard Vines site today only!