
This isn’t a photo of our home. ;) Just a pic of a cute house in Chicago’s Old Town neighborhood that I snapped a few years ago.

Oh my goodness. I finally got my act together, unpacked the rest of the house, and filmed a home tour!


But a few thoughts before we begin:

1. Oh my goodness. I swear I am normally (relatively) well-spoken. How many times did I say “ummm” or “aaaand” or “so…” or “really,” though?! UGH. I was a teacher, for cryin’ out loud! Why couldn’t I concentrate while filming this? I promise to improve for future videos. Or at least consider what I’m going to say in advance!

2. I hope my voice doesn’t sound like this in real life, haha. I know that most people don’t like the sound of their own voice when they hear it on recordings, but yikes. Sorry, friends and family. ;) And Mitch. Oh, god. Mitch.

3. I originally recorded this on my DSLR a few days ago, but my 50mm lens didn’t allow me to get much in the shot, so I decided to scrap it. Apparently Jess filmed a home tour of her new place on the same day. (With an iPhone. Because she’s smart.) Not only are we dressing the same, but we’re also apparently planning the same blog posts now. (Insert laughing/crying emoji. Love ya, J! Keep those keys in your pocket.)

4. Why did this take me nearly 24 minutes?! I mean, it’s “Little Home in the City.” Keyword: little. Like, there are four rooms. Sheesh.

5. Obviously don’t watch the whole thing. Unless, you know, you have the flu or something. (I honestly only expect my friend Mandi to watch this. Love you, Mandi! FEEL BETTER!)

To view the video in 1080p, click here, and then click on the little wheel in the lower right-hand corner. It’s way better!